An interesting point of view

I am presenting you with an autobiographical account of the chain of events that incited a chaotic, topsy-turvy time in my life. I beg of you to remain within a close proximity for but a scant few moments as I recount how I metamorphosed into the heir apparent of the municipality referred to as Bel-Air, California.

Amidst the occident of Philadelphia I had been sprung to life and had been nourished. A lion’s share of my youth and adolescence was consumed by the outdoor entertainment facilities at the park. Carousing with my pals, merrymaking to my maximum ability, and unwinding, I often partook in a friendly match of basketball at the schoolhouse’s arena.

It was during one of these excursions that a pair of rabble-rousing fellows instigated malevolence. I took part in nothing but a single skirmish, yet my mother became immersed in fear, at which point she commanded me to transfer my residence from her dwelling to that of my aunt and uncle in Bel-Air, California.

I proceeded to hail a taxi and, upon its arrival, I made out an inscription on the license plate that read “FRESH” and was intrigued by a pair of dice draped over the rearview mirror. If nothing else, a claim could be made that this particular taxi was atypical; however, I came to the conclusion that recollecting this occasion in the future would be a fruitless venture, so in lieu of attempting to implant this incident within my memory, I implored the chauffeur to transport me to my destination of Bel-Air, California.At approximately the seventh or eighth hour, I disembarked and proceeded to inform the driver that I would inevitably become acquainted with his odor at a later point in time.

At this juncture, I beheld my new abode and came to grips with the fact that my mission to become the heir apparent in Bel-Air, California, had been consummated.

nice english :o)
it's actually very badly written.
well, some passages sounded pretty good for me actually :x but true, i'm not able to judge as a german who just learned english some years compared to some person with english as native language :(
How is it written badly?
because it has clearly just been run through a thesaurus, poorly, substituting in words that don't even fit / make sense.

transfer my residence - yeah transport your entire house across america "douche bag"

if i were an english teacher and a student submitted this as a piece of work i would smash the bastard in the jaw with some bad poetry
cheer up poor depressed man
grow up, canadian
We all know Brits are the worst in English OF THE WORLD.
We'll from that sentence it's obvious the Belgians are not the best :D
fo, i was about to start trollin' and you ruined it with your high educated speech, anyway

Very nice english, crossfire users should start learning from that
Dawg. Are you an animefag?

btw. ET sumday? 8>>>>>
You are missing alot by not being an anime fag

and yes, we can
Nah, im happy watching Californication :---)))

Well, power of my pc is broken atm so when i get new i'll come hang around to irc. /q Niki0o when you see me on and lets paly paly D::::
haha fuckin awesome :DD

QuoteI disembarked and proceeded to inform the driver that I would inevitably become acquainted with his odor at a later point in time.

Written terribly.
hello mr. Odor how may i help you
wigga please
btw i cant understand a shit from that text lol
say woot?!
say what - say what - say what?
dling 3rd and 4th season now.
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