Liverpool VS Benefags

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Half just ended, 2-0 for Liverpool from Kuyt and Lucas. I hope it stays that way or at least two more goals by liverpool...
np we will take it.
nice ref btw :PPPPP

and respect our name .. its Benfica not Benefica
sry, fixed
np i will rage in your mother later =)
liverpool to win imo
why no maxi pereira??
why no coentrao???
why sidnei????????????????
why amorim???????

i dont get it...
sidnei because david luiz is playing on the left side ( because of kuyt ). dunno about the rest :)
yes but david luiz belongs in the middle together with luisao and left is maxi pereira/coentrao if he is hurt or what :/
why liverpool in noobleague are they that shit? :P
torrrres :D
1 more goal
inb4 liverpool eliminated by away goal
Benfica is quite dissappointing. Even in the 1st leg, needed 2 pens & a red card for liv to win. Now they are playing awful too.
benfica is playing really bad indeed, but some important players are missing (you can really see this in defence) and if you had seen the first match you would know that benfica was clearly the better team and that 1.the penaltys were 100% right and 2.benfica was even better before the red card
Saw most of the 1st match. Can't remember everything but I felt benfica was dissappointing too. Liverpool closed them down very easily. Yes they had ball possession but they did almost nothing with it. Liverpool let them playing in their own half. It doesn't mean benfica were the better team just because they had possessin. For a team unbeaten in 27 games they are very dissappointing, expected more over 2 games.
i dont talk about possession, benfica was clearly the team dominating the game and they created few very good chances.liverpool had nothing expect their luck goal and 1 chance by torres, that was all form liverpool, the rest was benfica.anyway we are talking about liverpool, a team which clearly belongs in champions league and who will win the europa league im pretty sure about that, and benfica..which could have had a chance against any other team (hsv,wolfsburg,fulham,liege,atheltico and even valencia) to go through, but liverpool just is the best team in this competition
players missing .. saviola etc and the portuguese league is moar importante to the coach he said that :)
why did sidnei actually played? he made alot of postional errors which caused 3goals imo...
3rd and 2nd tbh.. jesus wanted to stop kuyt with david luiz .. :<
what about maxi? why didnt he play? he could have handled kuyt..
dunno mate :S
liverpool in noobleague
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