
My 1st public round in like 3 months and i get kicked for teamkilling, somethings never change...

off to shower then work for 14 hours, fuckers better appreciate it i have the begininng symptoms of a bronchitis here

what are you xfirers up to tonight?
gonna sleep with 100 girls and get AIDS.
that's the spirit!
hf getting laids tonight :)
thank you very much, i hope its gonna be lots of fun.
san mmut bil-"boredism"
i have hick ups.....
smoke some beer
im clubbing alreadu
Will be sad nerd behind pc i think
masturbating alone in a dark room on a friday night isn't demeaning contrary to popular belief , it's actually very productive
I cant even do that, parents are here.
do it on the balcony then
the usual.. My 2 friends Ryan and Zaeem will arrive at my door promptly at 7, we will then walk to the dougie where we will meet up with the others, who will be, judging by the weather, pirrie, chrissy, dom, martin, definitely bow, McG, Big C, gill and maybe ashley. We will then probably walk around for a while and chat absolute bullshit like usual. Then, we will part ways and me, bow, mcg, zaeem, ryan and simon who will meet up with us later, will procede to Bows dads pub, the Learig, where we will stay the rest of the night and walk home at around 4 or 5 depending on who's there. I will be completley sober because i find alcohol repulsive...... I'll go to bed and sleep til about 1 oclock, get up and look forward to saturday night >.< thrilling shit!
will saturday night be just as exciting?
definitely playing with my band tomorrow (me - lead guitar, ryan - bass, chris - drums, McG - violin, dom - vox) at some pub in edinburgh so should be fucking awesome !!
jumping and singing inside and outside
he's from pakistan! it's his middle name, his full name is actually Muhammed Ali :D
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