aalborg and other lans

well i just noticed aalborg is far away from berlin...
so how about a lan more near to me and the others? i heard about 2 other lans this year?! infos r welcome...

anyone pickup from berlin to aalborg, i would drive with my car. :p

and hell yeah i noticed this journal is fucking early BUT hey im excited already for any upcoming event which is coming this year.. :)

so gimme infos, tell me more about all upcoming events in the next time. THX ladies <3

music for zeh peepz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MqmrteX2Lo&feature=PlayList&p=A738D25D47CBBB98&playnext_from=PL&index=57

so love goes out to my buddies <3 and flooo ofc and all the others... ...!!!
have a good one!

random pic uuuhm too lazy to add, you can spam therefore..! Spamparty i official open!
lan near munich would be great
germany is not good for et... :/ shame on our government...! so germany is out.. sry
hi schnee <3
lan near helsinki would be great

assembly not supported
There's tons of LANs in Finland.. Most of them are just shit CS stuff though.
cc8 and lan in antwerp are the other 2 lans i presume
but cc8 place is still not official announced eh??
come to antwerp lan!
come to cc8 lan!
host a lan!
dont come, its for nerds!
Aalborg lan ftw :)
cu at aktivist 2010
Come pick me up :)
Cu in Ålborg :P
i"ll see you in aalborg :D
you'll get a drink if you stop hating on WSF
I will rather die of thirst then stop hating cheaters
i was there once already we had rent a house in the near of there for 2 new years eve with some friends. :)
Nice =) New years are really nice in Denmark :P
CU @ every lAN?
:DD the one and only
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