config - sharp edges?
9 Apr 2010, 22:00
i remember that there was some way to make edges rly sharp but still have low textures. Anyone knows that one?
Propably post commands with a screen so i already know if its the thing i´m looking for :P
thx bb
@edit: not AA or AF
Propably post commands with a screen so i already know if its the thing i´m looking for :P
thx bb
@edit: not AA or AF
shitty laptop is shitty
what i´m looking for lets e.g. batters (where you have to build the ramp) look completly different cause all the edges are rly smooth and sharp edges. It looks rly different. Not just a little command to smooth out some stuff (like AA or AF) :P
Here it is:
will try it tomorrow thx
post a screen of what you mean exactly...