infos needed!

displayrefresh,fps,maxpackets (eventhough its forced) info needed :(

atm using

fps= 76
r_displayrefresh= 70
monitor = 1280x1024 @ 70 Hertz (can put it max @ 75hertz)
what kind of a shit monitor is that m8
So what kind of info do u want?
either info about the different commands & optimal settings,

or specific settings for my situation

If you're gonna use 76 fps use 75hz/display refresh as well.
r_displayrefresh 75

you should be aware of com_maxfps changing the feeling of the game

com_maxfps 71 - lowest recoil
com_maxfps 76 - quite common value, advantage in tj,
com_maxfps 85 / 90 - warps all over the screen
com_maxfps 100 - theoretically best setting to hit well, smooth
com_maxfps 111 - biggest unhit, smooth
com_maxfps 125 - common value, smoothest, even greater advantage in tj
why change settings? you will still be a retard...
fps = 76
hz = 60 :(
fps= 66
r_displayrefresh= 66
monitor = 1280x720 @ 66 Hertz (can put it max @ ?? #heartz)
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