How to become a "pro"?

thx to Germanyjunky for sharing his secrets

junky on 11/04/10, 13:52:19 PM | Reply

quitted playing -> no inet @home -> went to army -> came back -> wlan of my neighbour -> some public -> some irc wars -> full @ nerdmodus -> getting annoyed by dying becuz of laggs -> internet arrived -> pro!

seems as only think you need is some (good) internet that arrives?
I registered @ adawolfa forum thanks to tetsuos journal. Just browsing atm, might become pro later :-)
how much it cost does if i want to be med+ ????

adawolfa you can help or someone plss
Hm, nothing special. Some shit to get referee status on jaymod etc. Pfft. Adawolfa try harder!
or you could just buy hacks
junky is lowskillad he is nerd unbrained iZi to own him and he looks like a fag
thx, my fault :)
Seems a logical way to become poro. See you all in a couple of years tryin to get pro yall
lay of the crack mate...
Öö, the current topic is written right.
Douille has similar theory.
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