Wide screen and ET
11 Apr 2010, 15:35
hey, well im testin a 19" or 20" wide screen and i wonder what r_mode and fov i should use.. my normal fov is 90 and i used to play on a 19" screen. i cant start et with my old r_mode 8
please help :<
EDIT: i wanna keep the good quality rmode 4 gives bad
please help :<
EDIT: i wanna keep the good quality rmode 4 gives bad
+ use widescreen resolution with r_mode -1, r_customwidth and r_customheight. Then there's also r_customaspect, but I don't know if it works in ET. 0 is supposed to be 4:3, 1 is supposed to be 16:10 (most widescreens) and 2 is supposed to be 16:9 (fullHD)
r_customwidth 1440
r_customheight 900
cg_fov 100
r_customaspect "1"
r_customwidth <value>
r_customheight <value>
to fit any screen
R_mode 7
sens 2.06
cg_fov 105
r_mode 7
sens 2.4
cg_Fov 110
dunno why but for me is r_mode 7 insta win:D