stupid thing tomorrow

What was your attitude like when you got up Monday morning? Did you say "Oh No!" or "Praise God"? Did you quickly jump out of bed to get ready to take on the day or did you hit the snooze button 3 times hoping it was still the weekend? Did you say, "Good morning Lord" or "Good Lord it's morning"?

You know, the bottom line is that you must eventually get up, you must eventually get ready and prepare yourself for the day, It is here whether you like it or not. How you respond to that alarm clock and the mood you accept first thing in the morning usually sets your tone for a good part of the day. That's right, I said the mood you accept.

The devil wants you to have a negative attitude; he wants you to be grouchy. He wants you to hit that button 3 or 4 times so you have to rush in order not to be late. If you rush you will forget things, your negative attitude will increase, it will overflow onto your spouse and children. You will yell and say things you wouldn't normally say, this will cause them to carry that same attitude with them to school and work and they too will start their day off with a poor attitude.

"But I can't help the way I feel" You may say. Sometimes yes and sometimes no. There are times when because of our actions or lack of action that we bring the feelings on ourselves. Did you get enough rest the night before? Did you eat so much cake or ice cream before going to bed that it was hard to get to sleep and you woke up feeling all hung over? Are you hung over? Did you prepare for the day, have your clothes ready? The school work done, lunch ready? Was the car gassed up? These are some of the things that we can do ahead of time to prepare ourselves for the next day. When we are not prepared, it puts further stress on us which in turn causes our attitude to go south.

If you were prepared and you still woke up in a bad mood, even though you feel like a jerk you don't have to respond like a jerk. This is the "fighting of the flesh" that so many have no control over. It is doing what you know you should do rather than what you feel like doing. I once heard my father say something early one morning that has stuck with me. He opened the front door and yelled; "I don't know if your ready for me world, but I am ready for you!" I have used that line and yelled it from my front door many times. It gets my mind going in the right direction. I begin to focus on making my day great, no matter how I feel when I get out of bed. I focus on looking for opportunities to get things done, to improve myself and my position in life. I look for opportunities to learn and grow and see the hand of God work. I try my best to bring out the best attitude in my daughter and wife when they get up so they can start their day off with the right attitude as well. The Apostle Paul tells us that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. You can transform your day, your week and your life if you can renew your mind first.

You body doesn't go anywhere the mind hasn't gone first so don't let your feelings dictate how your day goes, train your mind to tell your feelings what to do.

Practice everyday until it becomes habit. Make it your mission to help your family start their day off right as well after all, it may be your last day on earth, why not enjoy it?

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Prepare yourself for the next day, do what you should ahead of time.

2. Get up early so you don't have to rush, spend a few moments alone with God focus your mind on greatness, read motivating messages instead of negative news.

3. Eat right and exercise, when your body feels bad and is tired it puts a strain on the way you think and act.

4. Intentionally say and do things that help your mood improve.

5. Make it an everyday mission to help set a positive tone for your family. Wake them up with hugs and kisses rather than yelling and screaming. Have enjoyable music or TV shows on instead of the negative news. You will find that when you help others enjoy their day; you actually enjoy your day better as well!

6. Write the words "Have a great day anyway!" on a piece of paper and stick it to your mirror to remind you what to do until you have it down pat.

Last but not least; nobody and I mean nobody enjoys being around a grouch; not your kids, not your wife, not your employees, boss or coworker; so if you don't want them to find someone else to be with who is more joyful and fun than you are, I suggest you start having fun today!
not the devil again!!!!
i dont like mondays :(
positive attitude is your friend EC winner
First time I have to attend uni after a month or so

image: Fffuuu
going to buy BFBC2 tomorrow :D
chem test
image: Fffuuu
I am attending a philosophy conference tomorrow, and I am looking forward to it to be honest.
you silly little thing :)
Care to elaborate?
nah not really, not in the mood
Fair enough.
finnish test

image: Fffuuu
Digital exam

image: Fffuuu
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