and another game ruined xD

first a random pickin chiprel in a 1550 sd for trying out + Finlandomg and feeding like hell (both) only to go afk and be an idiot even kickvoting me, i banned u for this crap

now the zeus that leaves the 1600 game before it actually starts leaving us 3 v 5 and nobody wants to rmk ;)

as i said
morning > evening


image: LARGE
If you wanna play hon seriously, join a team and stop playing publics. Otherwise try to play it with people you know that are good and raise your psr so you can join pro tier games. And still if there are leavers or people feeding and stuff, it doesnt necessarily mean that you will lose, ive won plenty of 3v5's
with a nighthound :D? he was like im gonna pwn the whole map (his words)
i told him hes going to get assraped by mage he didnt believe me and guess what happened..
I went 24-1 on Night Hound in a 1600+ game a week or so back.

Don't know what you're talking about.
but not in 3v5...
hehe today got simillar action, 2 guys left before game has started + 1 of them were the banning one (bp) and we managed to win the game soulstealer + devourer + hell :XD 3v5
:_DD:D:D:D::D :nerdrage
I didnt understand a word you said.
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