

The sites are fully complete. How do you like it? :)))
this paying for your lan
u asked him that same question on vent gunny.
english or not :D
not even an english translation on the page? very unprofessional..
I don't give a fuck, foreign companies or people like me don't understand a single word.
In addition I doubt he has the copyrights for the pictures on his page, I would remove them as fast as possible to avoid legal fees..
just type bussiness people or so XD
no, those pics are free from copyright
The pictures are legally bought of course. He is just stupid.
yeah, obviously I'm the stupid one..
ask your friends about your unimportant company instead of posting it in here, where noone gives a shit about you and your existence.
Dr. h.c. iur. Tomek
zur stelle el Compadre <3
so how much did you pay for them? :p
pass for 1 month and can get 750 pics, u can download 25 pics per day its 199€

5 pics is 39€

yes im like wtf too
yes i saw the pics got that logo, i guessed u needed to buy or whatever to get them
you think you're so clever but your level of discourse is that of a fucking 12 year old.
gj detective!
you rly should go find another hobby!
im watching a movie:PP
watchin porn doesnt count : )

but take a look at the southpark episode "i have 0 friends" its about facebook^^
season 14 :)

i go to work now
okeh ill watch but u fag i have friends in facebook, but i never use it:PPPPPPPP

ill skip school today

no the episode is rly about a guy who has no facebook friends and his life becomes depressing blabla just watch it ;) awesome episode
I am asking about the looks of the site and not about what is written in there. English, german, slovak and sadly polish will be added later, but czech is enough for now.
Sadly? And you expect people to take your 'company' seriously after saying such things? :D What are you, retarded?
well its not that the majority of polish people have the money to pay for his products, whatever that might be :PPPPPPPPPPPPPP
If you run your own company (and he claims to do so), you must be hell of a retard to insult your potential clients.
yeah because they will surely read crossfire.

I've recently finished an internship at a company trading cars in europe and they totally hated germans, we did great business with them though.
As long as you dont let them know, no-one gets hurt
Fuck Off
The site is really lame, nothing special at all and a companysite in flash jezzee. Further on you as a company can't just take pictures you've found on google and use them on your website as it's illegal as hell.

So in a nutshell your total website is a complete fail.
I think it's the first time you agree with me :)

thx bud
this site looks amazing!
Website is nice man :-)
i don't know what ppl are on about with their 'PIX ARE ILLEGAL' shit

if he's doing a random site with international banking groups included he sure would've checked to use legal pics?

i think it's a nice looking site, can't comment on usability or anything as i don't know what's written there or what it's about at all...
+1 to that.
i said that the pics were legal btw, u actually gotta buy them and suerly he did..
yep, wasn't referring to you ;)
yeh nice simple website....looks kinda friendly for visitors
nice site, clean and simple
It sucks, so do you and your mother.
have you asked for a permission to include the logos of all those companies on your website?

you won't mind if I email some of them pointing out that their logo might be used without their consent will you?
You really don't know anything about business, do you? :)
actually I do, I was doing business while you were still sitting in the bench

if you really asked all those banking companies permission to place the logos then well done on that part, but knowing you I somehow doubt
"actually I do, I -WAS- doing business"

Why doesn't he do business anymore? That's so weird!! :DD
I think you should work on your english more instead of telekinesis

Mr. "Professional Computer Gamer at Speedy Bozar"
You absolutely don't react to my argument, no wonder you failed at your business with such arguing skills. Retard. :) Don't reply please, it would be pointless and waste of our time.
I don't need to react, read what I wrote and then read what you wrote

I think you'll see the stupidity of your reply
No, you won't save us any time. Stupid. You are even so stupid that you don't even get what I said. Bye.
ok, to help you out, where does it state that I'm not doing business anymore? you comprehend the concept of past and how one refers to the events in the past? and who is "HE"?
That's funny that you are still replying. By the way what kind of business do you do? Probably something like Amway or Nu Skin and you call yourself a businessman. :D
I'm replying because I'm amazed by your stupidity
Nothing is as it seems to be. No matter who is the causer. You know absolutely nothing and still act like you are the genius philosopher of all time. How about that? Retard. :)
here it is like it seems to be; you're dumb

and it seems like you're describing yourself there, "You know absolutely nothing and still act like you are the genius philosopher of all time" sounds like you
So expected comment. :)

What if you are just acting like you are supposed to without any self-controll? And without any knowledge who you and everyone else are? How can you be sure that I don't know exactly what you are talking about? How can you know I am not just testing you, or just making fun, or as stupid as you and that we are both wrong? Considering your limitated percieving I could really be even more stupid than you if you had no chance to compare your view to other more intelligent people. In fact you have the chance, but considering your limitation and also your egoistic bigheaded lifestyle you won't let anybody help you to see something and therefore you are stuck and all I can do is just to make fun of you. :)

PS: I can talk like this here, because nobody expect you will read it. :)
What if we're in the forrest?!
Possible. But considering we have a chance to set our own meaning of life, let's suppose we are not. I hope this is not too difficult for you and we can agree on that. :)
gimme the files and I update my dec.pp.fi to look like that with own theme !
like it, clean & compact
hmm,nothing special
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