Too much stress

what are you doing when you are really stressed for few days?
don't mention aerobic since i'm already doing that
playing videogames, well I pretty much do only that all the time
Read a book, watch some tv, music, sunbathing. Generally just do stuff I enjoy who are not related to my cause of stress.
my mom destroyed the bathtub and made an shower thing instead :P book could be helpfull, can also watch a lot of scrubs again (eventhough it doesnt seem to work)
Go for a walk with my ipod.
Go rolling on my skateboarding with my ipod ofc :D
Drink beers with my friends
QuoteGo rolling on my skateboarding with my ipod ofc :D

best advice ever :)
Music all the way.
im all day long connected to my iphone's earphones
wait for the weekend, go out party and have some fun. works for me
have a wank, should be fine..
either getting the things done that cause the stress or deciding to give a fuck about them and just relax for some hours.
tried both, well, there is still stress
talk about it
i never opened up and dnt think i will
cuz hes a retarded jew

end the relationship with ur gf..

no gf = no stress ;)
say what? how you can stress about your girl?
really i can't get it ... never stressed about my gf
then you are lucky or/and young

I was the same, nothing can heppen to me, but everything went wrong :|
drink some whiskey if im stressed
ever tried aerobic?

I don't know the feeling of stress..
having stress is just the most stupid thing... seriously!
i go spam xfire
imo i have stress because i keep thinking im stressed so what i do is just do something that takes my mind of it like ET or something wanking helps really good i've found :D ohh i mean banging my gf in the ass...
but on really chill music go some place quiet and just lay down for some time till you feel better.
dont put your mind to the cause of your stress
works for me
wank and get wasted
you cannot do anything really, all this comments useless :|
of course you can fight stress
wank furiosly
go to the gym and take anger/depression out on the weights. or eat alot :p
well talk to girls or something helps me lol, be social and take your mind of shit
shut the fuck up
too bad but smoking
or i do some sport i dont care if its bed sport or outside sport
playing et or i meet my friends
at weekends ill go clubbing and dance the complete nite, helps lot to think not about my job for example.
bed sport, loel :)
naughty :D
seriously nothing bad about it. im just honest. and i know how it feels when u cant eat and have stress n stuff. normally i do one of these things :)
im not a real clubber, and i only got 18 so i'm not really used to bars and such...sports am already doing but since im really stressed im getting tired fast, and i can barely eat so it's even more awful
my mate is not answering atm, and i'm not really playing et / dont have anyone to play with (cba anyways)
oh and i dont smoke
so nothing of my mentioned points r rly helpful for you... well i have a cat which likes to play, or i watch some old animes/tv shows which i always love or my fav doing is listening music very loud. depends what kind of stress its pop, electro or rock but live gigs. so well maybe some of the points are helpful now ;)
yeah, im listening a lot lately on my iphone, mostly shuffle @ rock genre, no mood for metal
watched some scrubs, but still didn't feel much different
laughing a lot helps but ive almost watched every standup and funny movie i know...bought some beers to chill a bit
i have a dog but cba with him xD

;) love him

hey anyway im sick and need my bed now. well ill think about some other points, maybe when ill find some ill tell u tomorrow :)
thx, gn :P
jogging really helps if you're frustrated or stressy
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