Not enough sleep.

what do you do when you just cant sleep. haven't slept much lately..
take a meal with a big amount of magnesium, for example oat meal, take 10 gr glutamin and go sleep.
If it doenst work, what is improbably, go jogging 1-2 hours, then u gonna sleep like a dead man
watch a long movie like godfather or something you will fall asleep and you wont even know what happened when you wake up
you have answers for a lot of problems
you have some issues? :D
just alot of life experience :D
smoke a joint
Can't until weekend, and most likely wont even then.
always going sleep at different time?
nah, I usually go to sleep 23:00- 23:30, dont think that it has to be so accurate.
watching some action movies or playing short time before going sleep? because adrenalin in ur blood wont let u to fall asleep so fast.
stop spending so much time on the internet stupid nerd, go exercise.
I guess you don't get deep sleep anymore. That's what I had with 16. Spend more time outside, do several things and most important sports. Always go to bed at the same time like 23:30 is okay but also latest if you are a student. Hope I can help
playing et all nite long till a fall asleep.. or i go under the shower a hot one ofc
same, everytime i drifted to sleep last night my gf started coughing ;<
workout get tired and i sleep well =D
Turn off computer, turn off lights, go to bed, lay down, close eyes, wait.
wait for what? :D
For the small gnomes to appear, silly!
im scared of dark =[
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