For WoW nerds.

I haven't played WoW in months and the last months that I did I disliked it more and more (well the players not the game), but dang this shit makes me miss it. Finland Paragon's world first kill vid of Lich King heroic is up today, and it is indeed epic:

It almost reaches the epicness of
WoW sucks
The game itself frankly is quite good, the community is just shit.
Have tried the game a few years ago on private server(s) and I disliked it.. Guess it's because I was lvl 10 and the community was over 60..
it's because privatservers suck
paragon buncha nerds, moar druids plx
also inb4 gambit flaming pvers
the solution in the encounter was to stack holy paladins and priests actually :(
ok, i just shot a random guess, heard somewhere they(?) stacked druids on another fight
you dont stack holy paladins, you stack any paladin for the aura mastery
also for sacred shields, same reasons for the priests (pw:s)
paragon :)
Ensidia so butthurt
so the lich king is like best boss evah?
nerdi game is nerdi :S
Nice, cant wait for cataclysm so I can start playing again :<<
what exactly is epic about that?
as a non wow player i cant even see what happens there
me neither
just found random youtube comment that's hardest boss in gaming history
Parent basic of the fight, does not include frostmourne tho
finnish nerds?
im wondering why my youtube doesnt load any wow videos :[
I cancelled my wow subscription (been playing since November 2005) and not planning to go back. It's just same shit all over again :)

Only thing that was keeping me playing was irl friends.
well ye the thing that make you sticky with the game are friends, the game itself is all the same, it's the repeating.
Same, the only thing I truely found fun about WoW, was back in the early days when everyone was new, and you had a lot of fun leveling up with your mates, fighting the alliance in STV and just generally having a good time. Now it's just grind grind grind :-(
exactly :)
It can still be fun to mess around with friends, but it's not the same. The world feels empty nowadays. It might change with cataclysm, but atm you dont even need to leave town to level up, thats just bullshit.
Yeah it's not the same, all my friends from RL quit because it got really shit after TBC.(We had a guild and raided a lot, which is why we still played) There is no world pvp anymore which is what we REALLY loved. I am hoping cataclysm will bring that feeling of kind of.. innocence i guess back to the game. :)
yea innocence is a great choice of words here ;)
The game has become abit too calculated.
that's how wow is, you can never quit, you can only take a 1 year break or so only to get hooked again : )
what's even more amazing is that they are farming it since the first kill when other top guilds can't even kill him once :D

+ World first Yogg 0 keepers from Stars's video was more epic I think :D
ive never played this yohooo
like 10 millions ppl playing WoW, and u say that scene is fucked up full of retards. Doesnt that say something about game ? if 10 million retards are playing it ^^

Imo just stick with ET ;)
played wow for long time and never found wow videos interesting.
And how is playing wow different than playing et?
Some people will never understand. :P
Don't bother, dungeon tool and other shitty additions ruined it. Doesn't feel like a mmorpg anymore.
dungeon tool is awesome

helping my leveling atm, before u spend hours to find a group.. im almost lvl 50 already
The dungeon tool amongst other things ruined the feeling of an open world, travelling to mc or bwl with your entire raid and running in used to be part of the fun. Also there is no community left on the server, people used to know eachother.

Not too mention it's piss easy and boring to get good gear now, just farm dungeon tool till you get decent gear and raid a few times afterwards. It even used to be an accomplishment when you managed to get an epic mount, now ive almost got a mountain'o mounts ://
you still need to travel for instances, and for dungeons u used more time finding a group than actually playing it, much better now
I liked it at the start, because It allowed me to update my gear fast after a long period of inactivity. But I soon realised it took most of the fun out of it, its too easy, people dont even talk anymore, and its way too generic. WoW can still be fun if you're playing with a few good friends though, but not as fun as it used to be pre-tbc.
LFG is the best thing ever, except for the retards that go afk or kick you for loot. atleast now i can gear my alts easier than trying to find normal players from trade mongol channel
yes its great for gearing alts and if you like easy epics, but shit if you like mmorpgs or hard to get gear. At one point i was having mad fun with a group, we kept doing instances for ages and afterwards I noticed I couldnt even put them on my friends list because they were from a different server.
dungeon tool ruined it? w00t

hai retard
dungeon tool and easy epics. Nice arguments btw. Dungeon tool would be nice if they tried to group you with people from the same server, add more penalties for leaving, remove the easy-teleport mode etc. More like what the group quest thingie used to do, not some godly tool doing everything for you.

I bet you never played vanilla wow
Well, they increased the deserter buff to 30 minutes up from 15.
Traveling to dungeons would be huge waste of time if you're farming for gear etc + the dungeon waiting time would have increased significantly.

You can just choose not to teleport and walk/ride to the place if you desire...
Travelling doesnt take that long with epic flying imo and it gives you a feeling of involvement, people will be less likely to leave before the dungeon even started or after one accidental death. I guess it might make queues too long, but only because I would see this work with people from the same server only. You used to be able to meet new people by doing dungeons, now it's just farming gear at a fast pace, nothing more nothing less. I do consider that boring, thank god im lvling with friends now.
Well if you are farming heroics (like doing 10 heroics a day or so) travelling from one to another as well as finding tanks/healers is fffffffuuuuuuuuuu. I changed my dks mainspec from dps to tank just for that when I hit 80, then I really started enjoying tanking (well apart from waiting for runes to come out of cooldown, having to keep up with the aggro of the realms best dps at trash is really something, but blizzard said they will totally change that in catalclysm so its all cool) so I kinda stuck to it.
True, but that doesn't mean a tool for finding a group should be this generic and allmighty. Well, guess I'm the only one who actually loved raiding/dungeons in the old days. But I was a priest back then and always had a group.
Stopped playing last summer - sold my account to a kuwaiti towelhead for 300€ 8)

- 8 glad titles
- rank 1 in all brackets on multiple bgs - quit as rank 1 3s aswell
- rolled ESL ez mode (won Nihilum, fnatic, aAa & roccat)
- #8 highest 3s rating worldwide in s6
- former Sauna (Paragon todays)

Shit was good while it lasted, cunts ruined the game and forced me to quit :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((
I bet you were one of those fags playing pala/dk???!! :P
played rogue... tbc: sp/rogue + rwd wotlk: priest/rog + rmp
still a fotm combo though :)
more like flavour of the decade
300€ for all that.

i sold mine for 300€ back in TBC when i had only average gear (t5 when t6 was common)
inflation.. couldve sold for 600€ @ tbc if I wanted
Months before tbc, accounts with tier2 were going for 800-1000euros.
I was stupid enough to diss all my gear and send money to my friends before I realised I could sell it :P
it's too easy to lvl&gear these cant compare it to TBC.
I had the best geared and accomplished DK tank of my realm back in autumn and I was stupid enough to keep my account. Im still afraid to check how much I could have gotten if I had sold it.
Good thing what have something to do with WoW, will be the Warcraft Movie. And ofc Warcraft 1,2 and 3. Their story has something to do with WoW, but thats all :P
Just saying that Blizzard have made good story for Warcraft games, and it is continuing Warcraft 1,2 & 3's story in WoW.

And I'm looking forward to Warcraft Movie what they are making atm.
Well according to Paragon which is the world's most accomplished guild at the moment, they dont have to sit behind the pc more than 8 hours a week to clear everything.
That's just the time they need to raid and get ready I guess. To get on top and to stay there, you have to sacrifice alot of free time. I doubt these guys playing just 8 hours a week, more like 8 hours a day :DD

I'm not saying you need to be a nerd to play WoW, but to get where they are? Yeah you do.
I think every game needs a lot of hours if you wish to be/stay at top, think about all strat game players, duelists, cod & css, even ET though there aint that much competition
Agreed, but not to the same extent. Atleast when I was raiding in a top guild I always felt it drained my social life. I quit after awhile because it started to feel like work and stopped being fun. I've never felt the same in ET, allthough I've never played in a 7days a week clan.
most guild play like 3-4 times a week 3-4 hours a day, its not that much when you put it into perspective. And it comes down to the skill again, top guild cleares all content in one day, notsoproguild needs a week for it.
I'm sure they are skilled, I never questioned that. But I'm still convinced that high-end raiding requires alot of dedication. Not just the raiding, but preparations and staying on top of all the latest developments. Also social pressure to play more takes a part in this.
Doesn't really seem that epic if you never played WoW. But I guess they're pro and stuff.
they raped ICC and ensidia, they downed LK HC 4 weeks ago, until yesterday 2 others downed him as well.

you should wonder if ensidia downed him cause they released their tactics.

that fight is epic, cause 1 mistakes means WIPE and paragon downed him with 5% buff, while these 2 guilds downed him with 10%

the fight is impossible without stacking certain classes like they did with 5% buff, thats why its epic
it's not that hard you just make 10 macros and keep hitting them :/
ye and thats why you havent even stepped foot in HC mode right?
i quit like 3 years ago :p but euhm... when i quit i raided and cleared naxxramas... and i played Lich King at mates of mine and little has been added since the MC/BWL/Naxx times imo
WoW zuigt na level 60, met level 60 was alles nog leuk :[
yep was echt leuker vroeger idd en TBC was echt dikke faal :D
they also downed him when their mt got disconnected in first phase, pretty funniez :<
thats only when they want to progress, they nolifed in ICC, but atm they are clearing the instance in 2/3 hours
if anyone wants to buy my acc your free to pm me :p
didnt like it, but then again its pve!
stop here, you're playing paladin.
Pretty Epic : )
i have no idea what i just watched...
i can remember when AV wasn't even there yet :D game was out for a like a few weeks when i got it. I had a shaman with sulfuras back then <3
yea but first AV version was teh best! 10 hour battles! and every few minutes all those NPC mobs spawned :DDDDDDDD was pure win
idd that was so epic you don't have that anymore now :p

raiding gear was also the best in pvp back then so with my sulfuras i could one shot every caster <3
tell me about it... was still wearing T3 in Black Temple lulZ!

but T2 was best for PvP i just stood there healing myself and all those casters got oom sooner or later :XD
resistances <3
best part is that theyre both horde
For PvE there is very little skill, you need to play ET more regularly to keep up. I could play wow less times a week than ET without missing out on skill/gear drops.
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