need 100fg @jsp

hello, need someone who can borrow me 100fg for some days :S
will pay back as soon as i sold my 20/5 sc´s or some of my assa stuff.

if i dont pay some random 100fg until tomorrow he will report me as scammer :P

beAstyy @jsp

would be awesome ! thx bb
maybe i got something left for u lemme check if i can find my acc :P

E: nope =[ i quitted whole d2 n stuff :< no accs left and no fg left
argh :( i´m trying to sell some stuff but i dont think i will get it done until tomorrow :S
what u playing lod2?
i made some pvp assa in d2 lod nl... had 2,3k fg on my j2p acc and was bored :P
Haha :P i loved to play my hammerdin xD

Costed me so much time lol :P
Had eni anni great skillers and torch ofc xD good old times :/ i was around 12 orso :P
idd.. awesome game :)

but its already overplayed for me.. so only pvp is fun
ye idd xD i would have done the same but got nothing left tho :<
I made decently pvp barbarian. He owns everyone
i bet i win !

only full absorb barbs are pain but still do-able aslong as i dont click somewhere unlucky :P
got absorb gear too + full dmg reduce
with absorb gear u got no tele anymore? should be izi for me then :P
got tele. Just lightres monarch, wisp and thunder
ah ye thats quite boring to play against :(

and i´m not skilled or equipped against such absorbers.. only play public games.. therent ppl running around with 4pt monarchrs.. else they will get owned :P
ww barb is pretty boring class anyway.. Idk what I should make if I want to play d2 sometimes.. I got hammerdin, eledruid and ww barbarian but all of those are boring..
fcr hammerdin are rly nice in pvp in my opinion.

smth which is rly hard to play , expensive but also rly rly awesome if u know how to play it:
hybrid assa

but you need a rly nice build (can give u the über build ! :D) and alot of fg @jsp.
Had 1 once. It was pretty fun.
everyone understanding this sentance, is here by declared, a nerd ._.
easy he made a person vs person assasin on diablo2 lord of destruction ,he had 2.3k forum gold on his j2p account and he was bored so :D:D:D
everyone who doesnt understand isnt oldschol , thats it !

leche mon clito
got to agree :XD
pm spiv @ jsp
is that u? i pmed him
after I get them I want another 100
I have a leik wtf account, can give you some gtfo :D
sorry this is for insiders only ! ;D
pm sorceking and i'll donate my last 8 fg's o_O
don't plan on making a comeback anyways :p
haha okay thanks :D
fg? jsp?
never heard those shortcuts^^
edit: ur not talking about d2? :DD
Talking about
Diablo 2 lord of destruction
Forum gold
jsp = the site were u can trade zeh stuff for forum gold ;$
ahhh thanks for enlightening me!
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