ikari L453Rpromouse

I´ve ordered 2 ikari optical mices and the proebayseller send me 2 ikari L453R ones.
Ok, so the proL453R mouse costs about 20 euro's more so I thought this cant be bad.
WRONG! Massive acceleration, google not showing me the default cpi value of the optical version but instead it shows me 136161555 review sites telling me how awesome this thing is!

Anyone using the ikari laser and managed to properly set it up without to much acceleration or preferably completely removing it?
mousing perfection was achieved with the mx510/518 everything released after that is overkill. Law of diminishing returns.
cba getting used to the shape of an mx518 again.

ik zeg neem de dubbelklikkert
At least it doesn't have prediction :)

Worst comes to worst sell them for more on ebay.
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