Fkin Homo LED LCD

I bought this erotic monitor and it arrived today:

5million:1 contrast ratio and shit.

But the fucking thing is just powering on/off every second.

What a fagball :<

Posting incase someone has miraculous ideas. Tried diff socket etc.

Must be the monitor or the 12V transformer.
QuoteMust be the monitor or the 12V transformer.

Problem solved.
your hired
Had a similar problem with my lg monitor. Turns out the hdmi cable was broken :P
Samsung > LG
was actually verrry close to buying a samsung ;<
you sir, have no clue. your opinion is biased, not covered by facts and arguments.
yes sure, I'm just working in Samsung and trying to increase our sales :)
no, you are a random which biases his opinion on the things he owns. he has a fiat so it is automatically the best car. if you would actually know something about computer technology, which you obviously do not, then you would know that it mostly is dependent on the model and your preferences when talking about what is best. oh and you have to keep in mind that we are talking about big manufacturers, of which everyone has top models around. and you are not in the position to tell me which monitor I should choose for bellow 500 euro (for example).
take a beamer
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