
I was not high for like six hours straight today, it was awful. I even ate breakfast sober, and in lieu of being high I just read all about US drug scheduling (which is fucked up, Fentanyl--an opiate 80x more powerful than morphine--is a schedule II drug (high potential for abuse, but medicinally useful so can be produced and sold), whereas marijuana, LSD, ecstasy, and psilocybin (shrooms) are schedule II drugs that apparently have no medicinal use, a high potential for abuse, and are not even safe to take).

But yeah just ripped a big kief bowl so I'm okay now.

Youtube video for fun:
i liked you before, but beeing proud of using that stuff is pathetic
+1 @ second part
Was more of a reflection than bragging or whatever, I was thinking maybe I should cut down while I was writing this. In a way I agree with you... and normally I don't go out of my way to tell people about doing it. Just so happened that I chose to here.
lets hope you quit :)
Not happening anytime soon, but I'm the kind of person that can be productive and function normally while under the influence, so you wouldn't be able to tell much of a difference unless you knew me really well. I use it as an enhancement... I think it makes almost everything better. Not to mention it's almost free for me most of the time. Maybe it will get old one day, but for now I like weed a lot.
ssssssssss wish i had a joint right now, just had a tooth pulled out, shit hurts like a motherfucker
yeh it would sure be a smart move to smoke some herbs then! that'll do your wound really well!
that was the point :p
it might still the pain a bit tho.. temporarily ^^
If you're really a father this shit is pathetic, if not it still is but it's your own choice.
I'm certainly not a father and I hate kids.
i don't find you COOL at all
You're the only person on Earth that doesn't find me cool.
pure addiction when you're saying it was awful to not be high for 6 hours straight.. look what it's making you do!
why are you listening to some posers trying to play reggae
weed is nice but addicting. watch out, but if you smoke every day you should quit asap.
blow me, chocolate is addicting too. should we quit eating chocolate asap?
im not saying i dont smoke weed, but its addicting in a strange way. you dont even notice it.
I don't get addicted to things easily... journal wasn't supposed to be taken seriously.
i agree, ppl are idiots. as long as the drug comes from a doctor, in a packet, sold in a shop its ok. idiots.
MDMA has amazing theraputic use but it cant be used due to idiots making it medically illegal.
I think people took this journal entirely too seriously lol.
Both I guess. It's just a normal part of being now. I guess I could say I'm treating social anxiety with it.
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