Gravystats / Statswhore

So I'm srsly getting annoyed with this retarded shit, everytime I want to get them, it gives me stats from 2006, I mean, wtf?! It's always the same game and I have no clue how to change it :/. Everytime I play a game, I try to make the stats and it gives me the same game over and over, from 2006, anyone had this problem already? Seems I can't fix it alone :(.

I tried both Gravystats / Statswhore, same results, I did put those things in my config etc, even tried to delete all the files and to put them back, didn't fix anything.

Someone knows what's the problem :<? Thanks.
Read The Fucking Manual :PpPP

Same for me I can't make it work properly...
Read The Fucking Manual?

QuoteHow do I use it
Quick Setup Notes

1. Download StatWhore.jar and put it here "\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\StatWhore.jar"
2. Start RTCW:ET and enable logging: open console and enter seta logfile 2
3. Play a stopwatch game of ET with ET Pro
4. Double-click "\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\StatWhore.jar"
5. A window will appear showing the log file it is processing, and the name of the file it generates
6. Double-click on the generated page in "\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\html\"
7. enjoy!

If your log files don't generate lines starting with [skipnotify] try adding these cvars to your config

seta cg_textNotify "1"
seta cg_drawNotifyText "1"
Way before, when I starts to use the program it was working fine.

Do you seriously think after X years I didn't read that manual?

Go troll somewhere else
Seems your peanut-brain can't handle it , better let your teammates use it.
logfile 1 works best :o)
How about you actually log your current games, instead of keeping that log with the match from 2006.
etconsole in ETMAIN & ETPRO? :)
I got them both in ETMAIN & ETPRO yes :s.
Open them and see what content they have. Probably one has some outdated content. Make sure the logparser takes the updated etconsole.log file
They seems to be updated since it is my last game... :/ Dunno what do you mean by "logparser"?
logparsers = Gravystats / Statswhore :)
Weird... you're 100% sure both are updated (normally you only have one in ETPRO)
I got one in ETMAIN also but it seems to be updated, can I try to delete both of them? Won't affect my game right?
Should be created again normally as long as you have seta logfile 2 in your config
What's difference with seta logfile 1? :D
1: enable 2: enable and sync
what do u mean with sync?
dunno... :p
k :D

always had 1 with no problems, i'll give 2 a try.
make sure etconsole.log is updated
They are updated since I see my last game in it.
program cant create 2006 match stats from 21010 log. you are failing something bigtime
I guess so... :/
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