Polish Enemy Territory Lan

To sum up:
- there a lan in Poland
- ET is one of the possible games
- games that will receive most votes in the poll will be played on lan

http://egu.org.pl/index.php?page=ankiety - poll

It's a good occasion to promote ET in Poland. Think about it, you always accuse polaks of cheating. With your help you will have a chance to see them offline aswell! You dont have to signup, you dont have to send a mail, just use the link i gave and vote for ET.

You can make it happen.

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: I know CoD4 will most likely win the poll but thats not anything to be worried about. More than 1 game will be played there.

EDIT2: The news will be published later on. For now keep voting :)
Cheat-free-weekend for us when all polaks are at lan ? NAIJZ
another time @ bialystok ?

e: u wont get decent admins i bet
hope this time all matches will be played at ETTV :X
I hope this time all matches will be played
hope this time u wont get spot in last group
true! :D Hope this time we will have spot in same group :) You know what I'm talking about :)
They won't attend anyway even if it's next to their house..
every year in Poland there were at least 2 lans with 16+ teams

dont talk crap
And from those matches we might saw one on ettv :D!
does it matter? its polish lan and it doesnt give you lanproof award here so dont whine.
I'm talking about the cheaters..
Anyway i've voted and can't wait to see some matches :)
Bialystok, eastern Poland

image: mapa_polska
po maturach, naiz!
if there will be ET im avi, like last time

ET at 3rd place atm ;/
postaram sie tez byc mimo ze to 491km stad i mam akurat praktyki, ale mysle ze dam rade :D
QuoteIt's a good occasion to promote ET in Poland

yeah, more cheaters will be born :x
worst polish lan ever and no chances to get any better
Make it news at least if you want to win that vote.
Call of Duty 4 is going to win this shit easily.

also make it news.
I won't click on any polish link sorry
no thnx zia
nie wiesz co sie dziao rok temu? x>
wiem ale teraz beda admini lepsi (tacy ktorzy wiedza jak sie lany robi i znaja scene et)
mordka tez zawsze tak mowil
i lany mordki byly udane :) opoznienia niewielkie, nagrody takie jak obiecane, zabawa jak zawsze dobra xd
poza momentem jak sie xanah zrzygal na schody
albo jak skakal po plytach glownych :p ale tak czy inaczej nie bylo zle :)
i poza momentami kiedy dwoch nieznanych sprawcow wkladalo mordce parowke do ucha i deske klozetowa na leb
Porownujac UGS do EGU mozna rzec, ze Lan mordki byl udany. Jednak lata swietlne dziela oba eventy do tego co mialo miejsce w Goleniowie (mimo faktu, ze agregator rozdupczyl sie w 1 dniu :-x).
co sie stalo? :p nieszczesliwy zbieg okolicznosci i tyle :)
When would it be? dates etc?
29 - 30th May 2010

exam period :((((((((((
you planned to participate???
i would if there was a polak team that would take me
I see money is no problem for you
I'm a student, money IS a problem for me :3

however Poland is cheap and I'd probably find somewhere to stay for free. then main cost is airfares.
is this the gnajdacon ?!
nope its not
im from Bialystok, terrible lan i must say :|
yeah! ! ! !:D
Need good team for this , email: [email protected]
playoffs will be played online like last time? =D
this time the admins (new ones) will make sure that its all offline ;) you of little faith!
ET getting votes lol

e: Isn't it a problem when non-polish ET players start voting like hell for a game to be held on LAN when majority of them aren't even going to participate?
its 'whats game you would like to see on lan' so its fine i suppose :)
:XDD Wlasnie zakladalem topic o tym, ale w trakcie pisania doszedlem do wniosku, ze nerdy z eu beda glosowac na to czego nie chcemy (czytaj na jakies gowno zamiast na et) zeby nam zrobic na zlosc. Ale pozyjemy zobaczymy. Inicjatywa dobra !

Edit: Enemy Territory is on right way to own Cod4 : DDD (40 votes in 5 minutes : ) ) thx

And will u do me a favor?
Under the PC games Poll (which contains ET, Cod, DotA etc ) is other poll for consoles, could you vote on NFS: Shift? Thx in advance!

Edit2: ET have just owned cod : )
wieczorem bedzie news :) poki co glosuja na ET ;p
No ale najaralem sie tez na shifta. Tor w Alpenal jest moj.

Dobrze, ze wszystko po maturach !
ET is winning lol
Think I'm going to dodge this one due to exam time at uni.
ET in first place!!
Done, goodluck getting it there. Also great to see polish community keeping up their LANs :)
nie no raczej si odbedzie ten lan bo walka toczy sie meidzy et a cod4 a z tego co na stronie widzialem to cod4 i cs 1.6 bedzie na 98% grane dlatego 3 gra powinno zostac ET

Zeby nie dreczenie nerdow z karcianek z kriskiem i bicie brawa na wykladach z mangi i anime z xanahem to w ogole tam czasu bysmy nie spedzili. NO ALE NIEZLY LAN ET.
Hhahaha, ten lan to zart.
Voted, my friend. :)
hahaha, like they got computers there
done. And will be nice to see a lan in Poland aswell :o) ET IS ALIVE ? :o)
voted ET to make the laggers happy with a lag free event
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