Wierd thing happend

Hello, so something very wierd happend with my computer and i'd like to ask why that happend.
So, I was downloading youtube videos to my computer and I was adding them into iTunes. I have to mention that I was un-installing and installing some programs ( installed and uninstalled like 3-4 times) and after that i noticed my computer is wierd a bit, checked for any problems, ran SpeedUpMyPCand and many more programs to fix problems hidden in your computer. After that I had to restart my PC, here wierd thing pops up. I retarted it normally, windows was running normally, showed my desktop, and everything changed. My shortcuts were missing, desktop (theme) was like I just installed Windows, but all programs are installed, wierd thing, so im asking you, why this happend?
Is it cuz i installed and uninstalled too many times 1 thing?. or what caused this?

thanks in advance!
want to see sth weird?


this is weird
4 players left and you call 5$ with that flop ? -,-

/all in with jacks 8D after turn
he's got a set of jacks and the flop is a rainbow, of course he calls it
whatever ivey.
got that feedback already,
basically i think you re right but i didnt give this guy a hand... he played loose and with shithands before, i felt good with my topset and decided to make myself look "okay" but not good.
Install linux
don't run etbot_cracked.exe =]
imo best is to reinstall windows so you have clean os - those speedupmypc stuff is bullshit -
nah tuneup utilities r good stuff! when i downloaded it i noticed difference at once..
yes but occasionally messes up your system *works in most cases though*
I retarted it normally,
vec napak je, a boli me
tiho mali
dej mala glava umir se mal!
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