Tw1zZt and special guest.

There's no time to discriminate, hate every motherfucker that's in your way.
Excuse the naab who tried to spam vent at the start. It didnt phase our sexy twizzt though :)

you should redub it with the music in the backround.

twizzt, the king of rainbow Adidas jackets
don't give money 2 charity gives it too lesson's..
hahahaha well said!
lmao at his mum!
that backround noise made me laugh :DDD
Now guy's, here you can hear Dutch people speak English totally shit and evry time a shitload of spit in there mouth, it's to become gross of.
Lmao mate your fucking funny... were you trying? Taking the piss out of someones english and then you come out with punctuation and grammer, not to mention spelling aswell like that... well done mate. top marks.
I know, you don't have to highlight me for it.
Thats what I said ..... :P
Are you sure your from England? Or you are just using a proxy?
Needs more Cowboy Song..
hes mine!!!
Nothing on me
twzzt is sexeh
"Aero Smitt"
Tw1zzt = saikou
end of story
Not so clean but :D
o my god :\
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