alexL ²

Dear Crossfire nerds,

After the last lan i decide to train everyday,
since i got 100 euronen from RoXoR&Cursed it's possible now.
5x times per week gym, 3x times muscle & 2x times cadio.
I will keep you up2date both and thank's for that ihr hurensöhne :D!

So basicly it works good i still waiting that the police call 'criatura' but nothing happen,
they might lost the phone number :D:D:D:D:D:D:D.

Looking forward to meet all in dk/be this summer.

greetz goes to Ker1m,FiREBALL,AtroX,kReSti,flopjeHZ aka deo roller 2k10,qraibu and many other's like the dk guy's the be guys and especially the polish mafia!

Jetzt flamed mal richtig einen vom stappel ihr kaputten nerds,
ich zieh den flame auf mich hasy puppsy schadzi !

Sexy boy! ;)
haha, i put cash you will look the same
Sunglasses inside the house? rofl
playboy ...
every1 does that, jeez! its pro
this better be a troll post
"5x times per week gym, 3x times muscle & 2x times cadio." Thats too much for beginner if you want fast and good results you need some rest days ofc and maybe some lightrunning to loose weight and get muscles appear.
hummel and running is as good of a fit than hummel and highskill
not gonna happen broski
it's not.
maybe men's health says it is, but it isn't.
well, of course you can train 5 days a week even from the begining, just make one exercise for every body's part then 30-40 minutes of aerobics even 20 is enough cause your body after muscle training is already in fat burning mood. After training like this for 1-1,5 month he could buy some anti catabolics like glutamine bcaa and ofc make a good diet + add whey protein isolate if his body proportions need it, cut carbohydrates more, and fat less and this is gonna work. As if he wants to train 5 days a week just make it like monday - bench , tuesday - back , wenesday - shoulders , thursday - biceps triceps , friday - legs + after every workout 30-40 minutes of aerobics (jogging,spinning,whatevar) saturday sunday regeneration + if you make it like this for example monday - bench so theres a time for your bench to regenerate the whole week till next bench workout
do you train biceps and triceps at the same day? wtf??!!
you sound like you know what your talking about gimme a good routine, just started
u kidding right?
Good luck
He will need a lot of luck.
lol nice :D really ! great work ! train more and there will be even better effects ;)
go prac for speedeating competition
sorry but thats just rude ... :S

HAHAHAHA +++++9999999999999

GO for it humm3l
lold :D u so rude with him :P
cash well spent, congratz
hummi happy :O)
dont understand why someone want to be a mountain of muscles....even then you will get beaten up by kid with image: Brass_knuckles
Most scumbags carry :

image: knife-1

i carry iPhone....there sould be some cool app to make it baseball bat or whatever imo :D
if i see those bastards i shoot them down that they cant hurt anyone with the knives!
yeah heard u guys in ireland/uk don't like immigrants (not arabs or niggers, just normal people from poland/estonia other low countries in current time) so my mate from college wen't for a year to England working, got shitloads of cash there and before leaving he went to a bar to drink with a friend and bartender comes to him and says dont go out through main door he went through back and there were 2 guys(more like men, 25+) with these knives and started fighting etc he got damaged heavy but fighted back aswell , got in hospital + police + judges or somekind of shit anyway he got "closed/rejected:D how u say it in proper english" from UK for 2 years, but hes alive etc no worriez

anyway its just weird that people in there carry a knife or brass knuckles to defend/attack, weird, here in Estonia people only carry their own 2 fists x)
Estonia is the most poor country ever. Can they even buy a proper knife?
whos the whore on your profile pic?
Oh god, did I make you so angry that you already are raging? I didn't even try yet.
angry ? lol
Retards in belgium? That's not really possible.
do you heard about the guy in french jail who destroy a door, throw it through a window, cut of a lamppost throw it around and punched like 10 keepers down?
wirkst schon fast so muskulös wie dein stuhl, congratz.
lool you really lost weight !
u should spent that money on some furniture, ur flat looks empty.
Why bother, all the free time is spent in gym.
ye ur right, best for him :D
bringing the term attentionwhore to a whole new level :XD
Fatblocker 5000
I heard aids makes you lose weight faster
I heard you could help him with catching aids.
I need some glue Xo. :< Could you serve me with sperm?
wait few minutes
Funny episode. :)
gl but your face remains ugly, srz
go on humM3L :)
more brain,less muscles
Stop sticking your tongue out while playing ET
Quotesince i got 100 euronen from RoXoR&Cursed it's possible now

Am I the only one who find it to be wrong?
no but you're the only one who didn't get sarcasm
very cool sunglasses :PPPP
why are you wearing them in the room?
very nice biceps :PPPP
why does it have so much fat on?
very nice hairstyle :PPPP
no its ugly
Schmart boy!
ich hoffe du machst es für dich.. nicht um den cf nerds es "zu zeigen" ;)

gl with it
train your traps man it looks ugly that way
You look like Peter Griffin.
Hähä, you look more skinny than sal now. :D
what are we supposed to see ? =D
u've to make ur cardio before ur muscle train (best way to grow up the muscles) and make 15min of stretch after ur train.
and imo take protein and never eat fastfood and drink alcohol ;)
1997 called, they want their haircut back
need some attention? :xD
posting in epic journal
how are u guna train to get rid of your uber high pitched voice?
going to gym wont change your ratface eh!
Wenn du denkst schlimmer geht nimm0r. kommt ausm nirgendwo der fette brumm0r. L==L
Unfassbar wie du es immernoch schaffst einen drauf zu setzen..
QuoteWenn du denkst schlimmer geht nimm0r. kommt ausm nirgendwo der fette brumm0r

irgendwer muss doch das niveau zum flamen unten halten für paar kinder hier...
lol you suck ! :D
epic song

flopje says: :-)
you care that much?
nice hum:)

goodluck with that, but pls stop about that money rape shit :(
You look quite normal now, goodluck with your futher training :)
doppelkinn geht!

starke leistung!
damn, you'se a sexy bitch


get rid of the 100kg's of extra fat.
fuck u gay
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