Rivatuner atm
15 Apr 2010, 13:34
Could anyone inform what I'm allowed to do with rivatuner these days and what's the usefull part of it then.
Tnx in advance
EDIT : I'd also like to know the best settings to get a smoother view ( Nvidia ).
Tnx in advance
EDIT : I'd also like to know the best settings to get a smoother view ( Nvidia ).
No PB means no PB screenshots, so as long you're not doing something obvious like removing bushes and shooting through where they were, the sky's the limit.
Apart of that you're allowed to do a lot of stuff as long as you aren't removing any textures (like a high lodbias settings does), according to donex a few years ago :P
Maar ff serieus, mag da wel ofnoh?
je crosshair ook trouwens, dus dan moet je een programma gebruiken die crosshair op je beeldscherm zet of een stukje papier ofzo op je beelscherm plakken met pritstift (zon circel van een perforator bijv.)
en dit externe programma is niet allowed en kan je pb kicks voor krijgen, rivatuner zelf niet