scarface 1020 p

so i downloaded scarface on 1020 p (or 1080 p forgot) but when i play the movie it freezes every 2 seconds or so for a second then goes on to the other freeze session is my pc too slow or something or whats the problem?

ty in advance
Yes that's the problem. The movie is too old to be worth watching in that resolution anyway as it is most likely just stretched and looks worse than in standard DVD resolution.
PC too slow or use VLC or TheKMPlayer
Your PC is too slow and your video card codecs could be outta date, I cant watch any HQ movies on my laptop :`(
Follow ag0n's tutorial and it should work fine.
dunno its on my downstairs computer, this one (upstairs) is waaaay better but the reason i downloaded downstairs is that i got my tv as my screen so its like watching a dvd but so only solution for me is to bring it upstairs and watch it :D
how dare you post without my permission!
get new PC :XD
try same vid on new pc.
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