Germany Invades Poland again !!

At dawn on April 15, the German army launched a ferocious assault across the Polish border. The Luftwaffe sent its bombers and fighters to attack airfields, rail heads, troop concentrations or anything else considered important to the command and movement of the Polish armed forces. The first Blitzkrieg had begun. One hour later German troops attacked from the north and south intent on encircling the Polish army. The Poles fell back only to find German troops in their rear...

image: game18032

image: adolf
not interesting nor funny, give it up and die.
that picture is old, hitler died 5 years ago
he still lives through my actions
Keep on going with growing that moustache, some day... Some day.
not interesting nor funny, give it up and die.
not interesting nor funny, give it up and die.
not interesting nor funny, give it up and die.
not interesting nor funny, give it up and die.
fuck off kidd !
i invade ur ass !
like the ass of your mom !
thanks for the info
perfo should save you
thought it's a lame thing, but when I saw the match link I actually smiled :)
history repeats itself (c) killerboy
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