Wierd or not?

So this is the situation. I play games with "shoot button" as mouse2 and other things mouse 1. I use my Windows the same way. Main "click button" is mouse 2 and "option" button is mouse 1.

So am I noob or wierdo if I play like it?
Squall and Hessu says im, because when they come to my computer and trye to do something they get owned very badly... cant even open a folder :D
quiki you've always been strange! <3
aaww stkz I sooo want to hear your voice and get on your balls about the little tea partys that you have ^^
your goin rajjjjjjjjj
the polish plane crash is more wierd imo
great comparison bro :DDDDDDD
quiki riflehacker

dont ask smurftang how he plays...
dunno, used to shoot with scroll button
i use mouse2 "+forward"
Not weird, but odd.
nothing weirder than m1ke's binds
cool swirly license plate :)))))))
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