I just want to say..

Hi razz

Hi Nonix. :}
Nonix m8 drops a bomb shell :)
explain ur story please?
what happened?
and thats what you call satisfaction xD XD
<insert coolface pic here>
<razz`i> IF u didnt notice i had 200 ping so flame on
<Nonix> :D
<razz`i> + im the only 1 doing obj
<razz`i> no one else cares.
is this because we took 1 map?. razz is beast gtfo :D
Quote<razz`i> + im the only 1 doing obj
<razz`i> no one else cares.

Not my business but hard to believe from a EC-team tbh. ;p
what do you about EC-teams you poor yank?
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