Cohen's blogs nr.29 :~>

so I'v been playing mass effect 2 for the 10 time now :D

simply best trilogy ever, cant wait for mass effect 3 to release !!!

here is a camel toe of miranda :D

image: 1znrb41

if anyone have questions about first game and the second, ASK !

best movie ever

and of course

image: 35_11

image: 80936751

image: 442
hello friend :~>

e:nice pics :~>
hello dear friend

party @ harris's house?

and when i say party, i mean lan party !!!
:~> we can party on irc !
harris would insist on party @ vent
but u know i dont speak that much on vent , iam irc only !
yes frog men are well known for their shyness !
fix 3rd!!!
nothing is wrong with it :o
looks more like she has balls
well she is geneticly modified :o
what's that armor you are wearing?? i never came across that one :p

e: and who the fuck is zaeed?? :/
its called DLC m8 :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''{
ah i already finished it 3 times before the DLC was out so CBA playing it again atm maybe some other time :D:D
just watched quarantine :o now looking for a new horror movie (though about rec but cba with the camera movies style, eventhough i loooove it)
i can talk if at least u gimme vent ip :~D
epic game fosho. zeed is some newcontent guy isnt he?

EDiT: Miranda is bitch. best scene is with jack :o (tried fuck everyone )
and i guess its imposible to make out with Justicar?
for now you can make out with miranda, tali and kelly

thats all i discovered D:
who the fuck is kelly? D:
btw Jack is possible too
the psychologist : D
ah...she didnt like me enough for some silly reason :) she's old anyway.. :p
she looks like 40+ :o if you mean that doctor.
no omfg thats dr.chewckas

im talking about the secretary : D
that bitch? never rly tryied her :D
you have zero idea what you were missing : DDDDDDD
:) if you didnt do jack, YOU dont know what were you missin! :P
video? : D

tbh kelly is like a porn game, when you tell her to dance she dance with her panties its like PORN
Hoi fapper, ME2 iz best, true! too bad that dlc's r soooooo short :< kasumi's stolen memory was pretty nice!
I approve those random pictures!
u got like always the best random pics.

anyway: which class is the most funny one ?

i played the normal soldier and thought i would give him one ammo lvl 3 (+ for team mates) and the rest skills which make myself stronger.. should be ownage.. but dunnow.. started to play after some time.
best class hmmm all balanced

but i rly had great time with adapt : D
finished whole missions without firing a single bullet
since powers charge in like 2 seconds :~>
yeah there are balanced but i wonder which one makes more fun :P

propably going to try an adapt then :)

I love the way u can make your team.. i always went for Fire power (me) + Magic guys (the have rly awesome attacks :o ).

it doesnt rly matter which team member you choose, but try to select other members for each missions so you could spend their skill points
hmm the skills are nice.. there are some nice skills to kill dmg more enemys at once :)

i will go for:

jack,miranda,garus (or however the sniper guy was called).
i played soldier, engisoldier and adept and adept was most fun. you just need to freez the bastard and smash his ass against floor...nthing is better :D
My copy arrived yesterday and I'm really enjoying it. It's nice that you can import your ME1 save game, so now people are bitching that I let the council die. One change that is a bit annoying is that I can only hold a few sniper rifle rounds now as it is supposed to be my main weapon with the Infiltrator class, but on the hardest difficulty you often need multiple shots with it to take down one guy.
yea but whats rly annoying is that if you choose new profile @ mass effect 2, it will auto decide what happen @ mass effect 1

and thats have huge effect believe me

finished the game with both council die or live

it has huge impact on what happened @ me2 : D

and dont worry about the sniper rifle ammo thing
you will later will be able to train assult rifle with your infiltrator

btw for now you can wear armor itemes which increase your ammo
harris is a silly commander !! :D
after DA i started playing metro 2033 rather than mass effect
dont have time either
im in the army and i have more time than you :~D
bagruyot + matconot :o
ata stam raz ve menake tankim!!!
lo, yatzati misham : DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
??? aifo ata ahshav??
in a better place
they gave me a job as an electrecian.
i have my own laboratory and i fix equipments

they want to send me to officer course this augost : D
and i want to go
cool pics man
finished ME2 once, cba to do it again ;/
It's like watching a movie you have already seen but with some extra scenes.

hows the hunt for an rs account going?
image: trollface
i will prolly buy one in the end

since you are a big kank AIR kut
i can share mine if you extend it :)))

kut :(

no international credit card
paypal ?

Expiration date: Thu, 27. May 2010
Traffic left: 24 706 MB (i only dl 1gb a day average)
you need international credit card for that :{

can only buy from reseller @ israel, but : D...
you don't? paypal supports bank transfers too
its to emberresing :(
great game :D final mission got annoying but apart for that
u mad?

final mission was impressive
ind but everyone was like dieing
who cares, tali surrived :D

if you choose the right ones nobody does die btw :<
I chose people suggested online but person in pipe dies :S
were they all loyal? :/
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