defqon starts

One moment please (± 1 hour)
This is an automatic waiting line. You will be redirected to the ordering page in approximately 1 hour.

This waiting line will keep track of your position in the queue. When you refresh your page you will automatically be the last in line again, so please don't do so.

With this system it's 'first come, first served'. The queue gives you no guarantee that you can buy a ticket, but it's the fairest way.
One moment please (± 31 minutes)

This is an automatic waiting line. You will be redirected to the ordering page in approximately 31 minutes.

This waiting line will keep track of your position in the queue. When you refresh your page you will automatically be the last in line again, so please don't do so.

With this system it's 'first come, first served'. The queue gives you no guarantee that you can buy a ticket, but it's the fairest way.
One moment please (± 29 minutes)

This is an automatic waiting line. You will be redirected to the ordering page in approximately 29 minutes.

This waiting line will keep track of your position in the queue. When you refresh your page you will automatically be the last in line again, so please don't do so.

With this system it's 'first come, first served'. The queue gives you no guarantee that you can buy a ticket, but it's the fairest way.


Already got my own tickets, i'm trying to get some for friends now :D
i need tickets:(
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