gnajdacon update [pl]

23:53 gnajjjjjjjda • oczywiscie homer musial sie 'wpierdolic' w parade ze swoim EGU
23:53 gnajjjjjjjda • no coz, odwoluje lana :-) niestety
23:53 • gnajjjjjjjda [[email protected]] has quit IRC

Homer got in gnajdas way with his own lan and gnajda unfortunately decided to cancel his event ":D"[/i]
gnajda: Of course Homer had to thwart my plans with his EGU
gnajda: Well, the lan will be cancelled then :-) unfortunately
how could this happen?! i actually had a little faith in him :{
o kurka wodna, a mialem isc
phew thats lucky, was just about to transfer the entry fee
haha XD
a mialo byc zaplacone juz dawno :d
gnajda przeciez mozesz zorganizowac lana kiedy indziej : XDDDDD
Yhy np w sierpniu :P. W kazdym razie nie poddawaj sie chlopaku, w koncu bedziesz mial swoje kolejne 5 min. Powodzenia w zorganizowaniu lana w przyszlosci.
i 10 tys w kieszeni :D
podobno gnida juz wplacic za wynajem z wlasnej kieszeni xD
Twoja stara byc jebana suka
atleast he will get more time for his girlfriend
When I'm falling down
Will you pick me up again?
When I'm too far gone
Dead in the eyes of my friends

Will you, take me out of here?
When I'm staring down the barrel
When I'm blinded by the lights
When I can't see your face
Take me out of here
Take me out of here
Take me out of here
Take me out of here
ojej szkoda tej wplaty na lokal na ktorym pewnie nawet nie byles bo nie bylo z kim sie przejsc zapytac, ladna stronka piekne zdjecia wielkie plany,,, szkoda tego polskiego cic..

oh, wait
i co z jego sianem ponoc 3k ktore wlozyl w tego lana ?
Ile? 3 tys? : OOOOOO

Ty kupujesz fajki, a ja robie lana za 3000 zl : O
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