
I work with this guy:

image: f9uab

image: wkid79


It's a shame that democracy allows such people the right to vote on the future of our country.
True, there should be a minimum IQ requirement for votings.
True, true.
hah so true
Dictatorship > the rest.
sad its hard to find good dictator :x
Not true.
it took me some effort to even read his replies o0
Anyway dude's not worth going into discussion with by the looks :D
what i don't get, is why people mock us for eating curry, when indian cuisine is (in my opinion, and many other's) one of the best the world has to offer
great now u made me hungry :((
kfc doesn't sell pizza, steak or sushi either
does sell chicken though
cos those are the other worlds best cuisines? :)
indeed they are
id have to agree. of course. 3 course preferably. although fredd deleted his earlier comments.
i saw them, i think he misunderstood
This is just an educated guess, but I believe it has something to do with a difference in diet between Asia and Europe and, to similar extent, a difference in environment too; the actual debate is rather pointless given the fact Asian food is as you say so popular, and the fact that – I believe – it was actually the British who developed curry power so they could continue to eat curry back home. Anyway, back to the point. Europe ate a wheat based diet, and wheat itself can be used for lots of things (alcohol, bread, feeding animals, fuel and housing). Rice, however, is a labour intensive crop which requires significant rainfall, and it is only useful for eating, which means its growers are at a distinct “disadvantage” compared to Europeans. This goes some way to explaining the insularity of “oriental” culture (their languages in particular) in the grand scheme of things, but also their huge populations; in the sense that Europeans (and the Near East) were smaller in number but they were also better equipped - biologically and socially - to colonise other cultures, which led them to prioritise their own social values (i.e. food).
do you live on a diet of senokot?
I understand your comment.
What was the point?
Asians eat rice and Europeans eat wheat.
I read it, I understood it. What I don't understand is why you would go so off topic to write something pointlessly. I hope you were bored.
I was bored, but it answered his question so why was it pointless?
You did nothing of the sort. You ranted about the differences in the usefulness of crops, about englands love of curry, but you barely actually touched upon his question.

To answer it succinctly: british people mock indians for eating curry because british people know very little about indian culture outside of the cuisine.
Hentai's question: why do racists mock Asians cuisine. I said that the usefulness of wheat allowed Europeans (and cultures of the Near-East) to conquer Asians, who ate a rice-based diet. This then lead Europeans to idealise the superiority of their own culture because they conquered the Asians, thus Asian culture (i.e. food) was contrasted against and found to be a poor alternative to European food irrespective of its actual value.

I think that is a fairly good historical answer to his question to be honest. Your answer, however, was rather trite and historically ignorant: “silly Imperialists, they simply did not know enough about Indian culture; they simply would not think twice about mocking Indian culture if they knew enough!” Ironically, it was probably the complete opposite. The British abused and distorted their knowledge of Asian culture to fit their ideological ends, particularly with regards to race, which is why they were so successful compared to most other European cultures.
They do not mock indians for eating rice, they mock them for eating curry. The two are not synonymous.

I can't argue with your facts, only your conclusion, and the faulty logic used to arrive at it. You have taken a large leap by assuming that the westerners would attribute their conquering of india to food, unless you're suggesting that everyone in the western world was aware of the production methods for both wheat and rice, and also their use outside of the food industry. If they were so intent on mocking indian food, why would it become so popular in England? Surely we would not accept a diet we thought to be inferior.

What you have ignored is that most people are not particularly aware of historical fact, so even if your argument does explain why westerners originally mocked indians for eating curry, it does not explain why that continues to be the case. Unless of course you mean to say that the mocking has been passed down in an unbroken line, in which case the reason that people mock indians for eating curry is still not the one you suggested: it would be 'because that is british culture'.

My answer was not trite. The british mock practically all foreign cultures, and they tend to mock them based upon what is widely known. Most people don't know all that much about indian culture, but what they do know is that indians eat curry. You could mock indians based upon some esoteric fact about their history or religion, but no one would know what you were talking about: however, if you say "Dude, you smell like a curry house!" everyone can share and identify with that information and join in the mocking. It the same reason people mock americans for being fat, or the french for being cowards: you can argue that it's a comment on history, but really it's just because they're cultural stereotypes that everyone is aware of.
You are being unnecessary pedantic; nevertheless, I will clarify. The “culture” of Europeans allowed them to more easily conquer Asians, who were then viewed to have a “poorer culture” in the colonial paradigm as a consequence. I have not 'taken a large leap by assuming that the westerners would attribute their conquering of ndia to food, unless you're suggesting that everyone in the western world was aware of the production methods for both wheat and rice, and also their use outside of the food industry', because awareness of each cultures production methods is completely irrelevant to the colonial paradigm, and in that sense your suggestion that people's ignorance of historical fact disproves my suggestion is also irrelevant to the argument. What is important is the value attributed to Asian culture by the Europeans in the colonial paradigm, not the actual value of each culture in reality; rice makes up – I believe – 20% of the calorie intake for the human species, but wheat is probably a more useful crop in the grand scheme of things. In this sense, Europeans do not need to be aware of the differences between rice and wheat or Asian and European cultures and, ironically, the less Europeans know about Asian culture or, at least the positive “benefits” of Asian culture, the more easily they can assimilate the colonial paradigm; it is the perception of the ideological value that is important here, that European culture is superior to Asian culture. However, since the discussion was about Asian food it seemed sensible to suggest how wheat contributed to the construction of the colonial paradigm, and I am sure you will forgive me for excluding other factors—food was far more important back then so it is still a significance topic.

With regards to the ongoing stigma of Asian culture, it is quite simple: the racist in question does not care about food per se, because he is attempting to reassert the colonial paradigm where British culture was institutionally superior to Indian culture, and where racism was also institutionalised; ironically, the coloniser would probably justify eating curry (i.e. being hypocritical) as his right, but an Indian would not be able to gain access to British culture because they had been colonised, though the British did create a “middle class” of natives between themselves and the population to create stability. Anyway, you do not actually need any more proof of the colonial paradigm: you have been using it all along and so did hentai himself. There is no such thing as “curry” in Indian culture; it is a general term constructed by the British to avoid unnecessary complexity.
Are you suggesting that all mocking of Indian culture is a result of the mockers wish to return to the colonial days? Or to re-establish the 'colonial paradigm' as you put it?

It's obvious that mocking is done, in some cases, to establish superiority over another person or group of persons, though to assert in the case of mocking Indians that this is an expression of a wish to return to the Raj is a rash generalisation; but hentai did not ask why are indians mocked, he asked why are indians mocked for eating curry: the answer to that is simple - Curry is a well known part of Indian culture.
You know who's worse than ignorant racists?

Pseudo intellectual cunts like you.
Fucks you baggiez pseudo intellectuals are the pulsing veins of the internets!
What a completely irrelevant wall of text. Well done.
maybe, but you have to eat it on the toilet GODAMMNIT
i agree, meez shouldnt be allowed to vote
To Baggiez
Werent there several secret documents leaked in the last weeks from the labour party, which say that they forced the immigration in Uk to new heights [ 200.000-800.00 ] in order to minimize the conservative voting pool ?
Lil bit like our npd your labour party, but instead of white pride they practice multi kulti as radical as the others :P
got any links to further info on this? not heard anything about it
Give these people a voting day every year, so they don't have the illusion of meaningless choice... The limits of the debate in this and every other country are established before the debate even begins.
They will call you a conspiracy bum, because things like, powerful people, that might get together and have a plan... doesn't happen! you're a turd, a conspiracy idiot!!!
Thx to the way democracy works in the UK (constituencies instead of proportional representation), the biggest parties stay in power (as good as) forever so luckily no chance for those idiots from BNP. They would need like 40% of the votes to win the election ^^
I am not sure what the problem is: democracy or the voter in question? And I am not sure how rescinding his vote would solve the problem either as “democracy” requires stupid people; your suggestion is actually far more dangerous than his underlying racism.
What you've done there is start a sentence with "And". Bad moron, leave crossfire and get back to your crayons.
You can start a sentence with 'and'.
There is nothing to debate; you can start a sentence with a conjunction. The suggestion that you cannot start a sentence with a conjunction is a fallacy, albeit one that is useful for most people, because they do not know - unsurprisingly - the subtleties of grammar. For example, I have just copied a quotation from a text I am reading which starts a sentence with 'and':

"While he plots revenge against the billiard-playing officer, he fancies himself as the gloomy Silvio in Pushkin's The Shot, who cast a threatening shadow across the path of a man more fortunate than himself. And when he heaps passionate scorn on society in his sarcastic toasting of Zverkov, who has failed to invite him to his farewell dinner, his rhetoric puts him on par with Lermontov".
Explain why democracy requires stupid people please. Thanks.
I did not say democracy requires stupid people. I said "democracy" requires stupid people; the implication, then, is that there is no such thing as democracy, but also that "democracy" necessities stupidity in order to maintain social constructs. You are free to interpret which constructs these are.
What then is "democracy"? And how does it differ from democracy?
I can only hope you are not doing the same work this guy is doing.
they tuuk rrrrr juuubss!!
I made you egoquit. sorry:<
take our gipsies or gtfo with you attacks about how we are all racist in cze& should come to sk and see for yourself the "racism". Apply to all other countries who meddle in our problems as USA&co

I'm not racist but i'd like to send them back to middle east where they come from. I dont care about their color or culture...but if they dont want to work, then they should get the fuck out of our country...the decent one should stay ofc.

thats to your immigration&racism problem.

I have no problem with afroamericans, vietnamese, arabas and others coz they FUCKING WORK.
What the fuck are you talking about?
wasnt rly related to your topic but i just felt disturbance in force so i had to tell you.
I'm just sick of how usa, uk and other countries talk rubbish about racism in cze. You have same problems so all of you should just mind your own business.
I don't think anyone mentioned cze. Ever.
as i told you it was mostly off topic.... just made me remember about how your "goverment" and few other critized us about racism.. once again it was off topic and i am sorry for that :)
His spelling's fantastic.
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