Bored.... at work !


Well i'm currently bored at my work:

- doing UML
- doing SQL and stuff
- finally doing some design websites

Someone's doing same things at work ?

PS:sry for engrish ofc

Buye buye

My creation: -____-
im network admin!
me > you
funny how you look down upon programmers
funny is the difference between the money programmers and net admins earn.

you're so stupid
because of $$$ vs $?
you just took the wrong job! :D
you'd be surprised how much money goes into developing
Yes, yes i would.
I can do it to
My skills allow me to beat you
héé bah, sa promet le travail ! sinon la bannière est pas mal :)
héhé tu taff aussi ? ah nan HoN ? ;D
Pas cour, la prof que j'ai 9h est bloquer au Maroc a cause des avions :D
403 Forbidden! :((
unfortunately yes :(
btw it works :(

Try this

This is the website, but i would present the image only.
ye it works! this thing on the left side is epic :D rest looks promising :)
menu or rabbit ? ;D
ye this rabbit mutant made me actually smile ;:D
your menu on the left is...a bit bugged though.
if i have the window is not max'ed the pic is alinged to the left side (no gap there), but if it is maxed the menu is aligned left only. now if i move the mouse over the menu it gets alinged with the pic :P
(i am bound to use crappy IE at work...gosh...why does someone have to change rights all day long -.-....just a miracle this crappy sh*^^)
Yes, this is a static website, i did it in a row in one night, i did not pay attention at this.
wouldn't you just have to place a transparent div box to the left of it and align everything else to the pic as it is now? :D
(no offense, just half way curious:P)
Indeed, i just did a special div for javascript code..
Btw i will improve this site next week end =)
Customer service stuff, not busy though!
designing websites? :D

Btw i do it for my final year course project of studies.

And my speciality at school was programming in C, C++, C# & java.
How can 4 different languages all be your speciality?
"Object programmation" is my speciality so C++ C# & java ofcourse C bases.

I have programmed an IRC chat in C++, a little game named "Tours de Hanoi" in C# and an android application in java.
If you want to fully work OO, then use Java
C really isn't a very good OO language
yes but i needed it with nesC language, it's a derived language of C and it contains OO modules for TinyOS (embedded system for embedded microcontroller)
to be honest, java can be the pain in the ass, with its RAM overload when being used over hours, prefer C over it in some scenarios:P
C++ > All.
No automatic Object Destruction is the best ! ;D
Have fun building business intelligence web applications with C++
I know it's difficult but you can program at millimeter :p
You'll spend years trying to achieve the same thing that can be done in Java in weeks. Yes it will run faster, but who would ever want to pay you to do something like that?
NASA ofc ;D
It's not the most performance-aimed language (although there is some rly neat new stuff that solves most of those issues), but you have to use it for what it was made.
yea, got to agree on that one:P
(was more aimed at ppl creating those little applications with hundreds of objects which remain in the memory and double and double again, and again and so on, which results in using 2GB memory for a tiny application^^)
Let's assume we're not a bunch of retards ^^
lololol nothing special...Hanoi tours problem is the simplest maths problem to solve and code... ;)
Did i say it is special ?
You don't have to specialized in 1 language to be programmer.
What makes a programmer efficient, is that he can perform in many languages @ their ~highest level.

For example, in my first year of informatic sciences studies :
html css php javascript SQL C C++ ADA B LabView aswell.

And the next year i'll have mainly java and C++ , + other random languages.
Nice dream you've got there. There's no way someone can program to the highest level in multiple languages at once.
that's true, when i said my speciality are these languages was a mistake, what i mean is that i'm studying these languages but next year i'll be specialised in one or 2 languages of course.
Ye, but ultimately you'll have to make a decision in which language you will specialise your career in.
Depends where i'll work =)
That's what companies would like to expect from their coders, and from my teachers ( a real nerd) he knows 4/5 languages at their highest level.

But about the term highest level, I mean the necessary to be able to respond to almost al of the answers of the customer. For example the 2rd or 3rd certificate of those languages.
That's not how it works in the real world. You specialise in 1 language, and try to go as deep as possible. Only if your career switches, then you might be forced to learn another language, but trust me, you won't be learning multiple languages just for teh lulz.

And your teacher prolly knows "a bit" of each language, and tries to impress you guys.
You're probably right, hasn't discovered the world of programmer yet in companies.

Are you doin' this job ?
Ye I'm a Sun Certified Java Developer & Annalist ;)
Companies don't want you to know different languages because they will put you on a project which only applies 1 language. It would be a bad HR call if they'd hire you for multiple languages at once.
Btw i would like to exchange experience with you ! I mean if you can say me @ private what's your curriculum, etc...?
Go on irc ^^
where can i find you?
My teacher seems to be :D but he has already 2 PhD (+ doctor, master, licenciate) everything related to programming :D
If you love studying and do it all day long then I guess it's possible ^^
He does :) he is a little big genius :D 34 years and all those studies :X
i just came to my work but since my boss is in a meeting i dont have a clue what to do today... if there s nothing important to do i m also gonna do some sql ;)
I hate that computer shit yuck
I'm bored at home!
tu fais quoi comme étude ?
DUT info? BTS Info?
DUT info option "info embarqué"

Ca se raproche de ce que je fais, je suis en BTS iris ( les profs ne parlent que de l'embarqué en ce moment :p )

Btw j'ai dja fait un DUT info (gestion) c'était trop lourd :s.
i woke up.
Keeji bosse un peu !!
UML, SQL.. poor you that can get boring! I avoid the finer points of db design.. let my friend handle that :p
Ahah db design is the most important =d
yes too many nubs just know some INSERT and QUERY commands and then go and design a system that overloads after 100 users!
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