Bodybuilding for pros !

Here's my little package for the next 2 months I hope ;]

image: dsc00025gt

discuss ;o

random song

poor retard
EDit: Be careful with creatine....It changed my behaviour....proteins+more than necesary vitamin+creatine must be a party for ur liver
creatine cant change your behaviour dont be so stupid lol
mabye if you put it in your ass
haha maybe but never tried it what was it like in your ass?
it changed my behaviour: <
haha :P fucker
no creatine cant change ur behaviour :D
im gonna start with in about a month and it contains testosteron and stuff, so this might change behavior but not fucking creatine :P
du är då cp i huvet om du köper den smörjaN!
hehe dårå? :D
Det är ju bara socker och smakar bokstavligen röv >< jag har provat det och man får inga stora ökningar alls, många polare som också provat.

Bara Jay Cutler som fick typ en mille $ för att posa på bilden :P
ok :/ har funderat på den, men har svårt att bestämma mig för något :p
kolla om nån polare har den så du får prova! dyr som fan ju :P
Kidneys are more of a problem than your liver but if you drink plenty of water and do monthly cycles of creatine you should be fine. Your body makes it to begin with. And, no, it can't change your behavior.
poor retard
poor retard
I never got the reason why the packages need to look so ridiculous.
That's just too much. Eat healthy & only eat Whey Protein since it's the best.
If you need that shit.
i just ordered this a couple of days ago, reviews suggest it's one of the best around

not using it in conjunction with any other supplements though...just a balanced diet!
wiecej antykataboli, + glutamine albo hmb i jesli masujesz to wrzuc gainera z brakiem do diety lub serwatke po treningu i na noc

spokojna glowa, troche sie juz w to bawie i wiem co robic ; D
luz :d jak mocno to mocno ;d bo na sucho nawet trawa nie urosnie :d ja aktualnie nie letniej redukcji czyt. wkurwiajaca dieta + antykatabole i termogeny :XD
nap nap
u donnt all this shit
goot train and good food is enough
u payed around 100eruos or what for that shit
and 2 months olo, ur body cant build up any muscles cause it has to cope with all that toxic
seems like u did ur workout but nothing or only lass has changed so u think u need that stuff
but i think it sux
SHOCK THERAPHY + strom i wszytko jasne wlasnie kaske na to zbieram ;)

tak na marginesie ile za wszystko dales ? bo zestaw ladny i efekty napewno beda ;)
ponad 600 zl ale bca kupilem z olimpa 1 kg za 134 tylko przesypalem do tego starego aktivlaba bo chujowe opakowanie :d
You don't need all of that
bad song :(
EDit: Be careful with creatine....It changed my behaviour...
learn to eat
looks nice
I want to be hot like you aDman, omg.
I know! :D

Edit: Random girl for you loazis!

image: f-Xbox-Hottie-5513
sad that you need such stuff to train your body :DDDD
Daaamn you must have a very small penis.
XDD u got me here :/
Creatine and protein is all you really need until you get to a plateau where you'll have to start using dbol stacks, but having a nox supplement really helps you maximize your workout. Make sure to take the creatine with a sports drink, fruit juice or some other drink that is high in sugar, you need to stir up your insulin for it to be effective.
+1 , im going to the gym myself and i dont need any of this shit lol :D it all just creates some fake muscles that are gone faster then u have em
cool bodybuilders use only milk.
Creatine + Eiselt protein powder + BCAA = win
Steroids are cheaper + more effective, go for it dawg :p
now to what you really need:

non training days:

Mornings: 30g whey protein, 5g glutamin, 3g of creatine (get a decent scale for it because you'll end up taking too much creatine if you do it by hand)

bedtime: 40g protein 80/90, 5g glutamin

Training days: 30g whey protein, 5g glutamin

after training 35-40g whey, 3g creatine, 5g glutamin, ~70g maltodextren

bedtime, 40g protein 80/90, 5 g glutamin

Eat 5-6 full meals a day (spaced 2.5-3h apart), each containing 30g of protein, NO Fast food or stuff containing simple sugars like white bread etc, drink 4-6liters of WATER minumum, make sure you supplement enough magnesium, vitamin C and calcium and other vitamins.

to sum it up: Decent whey, Decent long lasting Protein for bedtime, glutamin, creatine, vitamins and minerals and a healthy complex carb diet. And don't train more then 4x a week, prefably 3x.. Been doing that on and off for a long time and I need about 30€ a months for supplements and that's really sustainable and affordable and all you really need... gl
easy man ;d I exactly know what Im doing but thx for advice : D
Casein protein is best at night because of the lower fat content, you'll already have the essential amino acids from the whey you've been taking the rest of the day.
kup se tescia i po problemie :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
nie bo ja chce byc duzym skurwysynem nawet na suplach : DDD a jak juz bede to pomyslimy
co racja to racja ale popek mowi ze samo sie kurwa nie zrobi !:DDDDDDDDDDDD
That's just absolute shit to help lazy impatient retards with "muscle-building".
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