What a great morning :(

Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to mali_igrac: [Kd, Kh]
RKGB calls $4
rraisingstar folds
bigbobbyb calls $4
betwife folds
mali_igrac checks
--- Dealing flop [6h, 3d, Kc]
mali_igrac checks
RKGB checks
bigbobbyb checks
--- Dealing turn [Qc]
mali_igrac bets $14
RKGB calls $14
bigbobbyb calls $14
--- Dealing river [9c]
mali_igrac bets $56
RKGB folds
bigbobbyb calls $56
Main pot: $168 won by bigbobbyb ($165)
Rake taken: $3
Seat 9: betwife ($403.20), net: -$2
Seat 10: mali_igrac ($780.40), net: -$74, [Kd, Kh]
Seat 5: RKGB ($389.80), net: -$18
Seat 6: rraisingstar ($398)
Seat 8: bigbobbyb ($266), net: +$91, [8c, Tc] (FLUSH KING)
***** End of hand R5-46211172-92 *****

Should've fucking raised preflop!
Just dropping in to say that I don't even care enough to write care.
im with ya man, but i saw no1 replied yet, so i took the courage and wrote: care
to adi tenks for d info
nice fail right there
Playing poker at 9:17 and I thought my life was pointless.
well its okey !
You could raise @ preflop but you should bet way more on a turn anyway.
You should reraise him on a flop! :D

Ye I know, it's easy to give advices after the game ;d.
i know it wouldve been better but actually i wasnt really scared of anything, i wouldve never thought of calling such a bet with just a straight draw and he even called with something worse than a straight draw... he called with a 2gap gutshot...
lold 4bet him at preflop !
slowplay at flop wasnt that good either.
bet more in turn.

it was your fault that you checked flop and didnt 4bet at flop.
they checked on flop !
it wasnt even straight draw but ye calling 14$ with flush draw at turn is a bit sensless usually when pot isnt that big also.
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