How I met Your Mother S05E20
20 Apr 2010, 09:36
What a great episode!!! Loved the ending!!! I just hope they aren't rushing things to much
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
any1 else wants to die?
is there any stream? rslink?
everything but torrents
thx a lot mate
On the other hand, some people still enojoy the Marx Brothers.
It escapes me how people can judge a show based on laugh tracks. This was done 40 years ago.
One of the best shows, but more Barney and less Ted imo :D:P
can understand
I have to agree, watched first season , was ok, after that bullshit
if you come up with "lost is shit - i hate it" you will instantly hate it (and its not hard to)
I mean, just search how I met your mother S01E01 at TPB or are there full maps with full seasons somewhere?
any links maybe?
how to get full season 1?
should work
and kinda 2 lazy 2 deal with it hast been updated yet 2 -.-
kinda have to wait for it
Those dubbed shit are SHIT. Ruins everything