
Because you have not received a warning in the last 7 days, 20 warning points have been removed.
This was your smallest warning, if you go another 7 days without a new warning, your next smallest will be removed.

This is an automated message, sent by Crossfire. Do not reply to this message.

image: Cemetery_machinegun
gif from law abiding citizen?
Because you have not received a warning in the last 7 days, 20 warning points have been removed.
This was your smallest warning, if you go another 7 days without a new warning, your next smallest will be removed.

This is an automated message, sent by Crossfire. Do not reply to this message.
Because you have not received any warning in the last 3 years and 24 days, none warning points have been removed.
This was your smallest trolling, if you go another 7 days without a new trolling, your next smallest will be removed.

This is an handwrote message, sent by GreenClon. You can reply to this message.
It's from law abiding citizen :ooooo
the jackal
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