Spartacus OMG

image: 600full-spartacus-blood-and-sand-poster

If you havn't seen it, do it, so fucking epic. Season finale (ep 13) was mindblowing :DDDDDDD

Hot girls in it too:

image: spartacus_blood_and_sand_2010_685x385_cast_erinC
So fucking epic it has to be bumped :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
New 24 episode was sweEEEEt.
Was a good episode idd
at ep 4 ^^ ive lots of time so i'll watch it, first 2 episodes were shit, 3rd was ok, seems like ill like it afterall(hot girls are fucking hot)
i hope viva and lucy will be naughty xD
yeh its so good :)
That girl looks a bit like me :-)
pics of gtfo
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