ME1 & ME2

So ppl tell me to play me1 before the second part because its gna remember everything form game 1 etc, now i jsut finished the first game, saved the council, killed the enemy etc, made anderson counseler, and i jsut installed ME2, but i cant import my character from game one for some reason, and also they say the whole counsil has died.

wth happend? :D what should i do to get it fixed, downloaded and cracked boht games
yes happen to me, easy to fix

from the me2 luncher you have configures

from there search for tools and import me1 save files

there go to the save file in my documents

now in me2 when you do new game and custom new char it will create it with defualt choices

so just do new game and import me1 char

hope it helps :~>

image: kun43uwp
thats all i get :(
you can have a kiss too
save your kiss for yourself and insted give me

kk? :D
Biotics suck in ME2.
when i played as adept, i finish most of the game without firing a single shot

and tbh imo biotics fucking rules in me2, since you can throw them @ arch directions etc : D
On Insanity and even hardcore biotics are useless. Infiltrator and sentinal dominate
playing as sentinal omfg : D
dont ruin me :{
im a soldier anyway
ah, the begginers choice ;)

try to choose from here what suits you
well was a soldier in me1, noaw im a vanguard, tho my lvl40 is gone :(
wtf is ME wim dear?
dunno what ur talking about, but: hi!
Go into Configure, Save Games should be somewhere there, then locate your finished saved file.
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