
Is anyone else feeling like rifles splash radius or whatever doesn't really kill at all anymore, ppl only fly away a bit leaving them alive with about 40hp or so....

This shit is driving me crazy... Anyone else noticed this ?
fucking krosan retard changed splash damage
can't tell, never killed anyone anyway
heheehhe... I get it man :)
I have no aim so dunno
Well there hasn't been a new ET patch or ET Pro version in several years, so whatever you feel like is just your own imagination

And no I do not feel like that, always been overpowered and still is
ye kind of
QuoteWell there hasn't been a new ET patch or ET Pro version in several years, so whatever you feel like is just your own imagination

And no I do not feel like that, always been overpowered and still is
laggers and antilag abuser fly away , others die normally
Ive noticed this with pf.
the reason for this is because when PB was enabled it caused ministuns 24/7 and therefore rifles most of the time hit standstill models, causing maximum damage.
This sux..
I just made that up, but it could have some truth to it x-D
fuck u ;< i wus already hopin
I think you just suck.
My clit.
with pleasure.
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