Belgian government falls again

Just read the news... What do u think crossies?

Party Open VLD quit the federal government:


PS: keep it clean

For those who don't know what this is about:

What is BHV?
QuoteBrussels-Halle-Vilvoorde is a constituency for the federal and European elections.

It is unique in that it contains not only the 19 officially bi-lingual municipalities of Greater Brussels, but also 35 Flemish municipalities, 7 of which give special language facilities to Francophones.

At present, those living in officially monolingual municipalities in Flemish Brabant are able to not only vote for Flemish candidates, but also big name Francophone politicians from Brussels.

As such, the Halle-Vilvoorde area is the only place in Belgium where candidates from another region can be voted for.

Since 2002, parliamentary constituencies have coincided with provincial boundaries in all provinces except Flemish Brabant, where the west of the province forms part of Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde, while the Leuven constituency covers the east of the province.

Legal action was taken to end this discrepancy.

The Constitutional Court gave politicians until 24 June 2007 to resolve the issue.

Any federal elections that would take place after this date would not be valid.
no idea since in sweden everything is good and we owns.

e: what upcoming lans are u going to mate? :D
AEF, but don't know yet about CC8
cool, might see you at AEF then :)
sure will! :)
don't steal money ! =D
Maybe post a link? All my 3 news sources have nothing on your story.
fuck germans
Very useful without a link
posted a link
I think it's a good thing.
Living in brussel, working in Vlanderen, im not walen and i see only ppl who dont care about this BHV - only politicals because they want to bring back around 75000 votes from ppl who speak french in this area for them.

Politics sux

Edit : Alexander De Croo is an idiot his father was more intelligent
C'est des débiles no polititiens !
this is what you get with mandatory voting system
This system sux im living in brussel i would like to vote for 1 guys in vlanderen i cant, ppl in vlanderen cant vote for other side of the fact we can only vote each for our own side not for the entire country

I remember the time when we can now its finished
As long as BHV isn't solved (won't happen) we'll have to deal with the consequences :)
And tbh... I don't give a shit anymore :)
People voted on the nationalist party.. but they got excluded by the left-block parties.. bastards. This is what they get for that.

Communists to blame.
It's time for a right-wing Europe; BNP, Wilders etc etc.
Are you serious?
Yes, I forgot to say if Belgium is smart, Flandre goes to unite with Holland and let Wallonia piss off to France.
and I am sure all of Holland will respect flanders as a region, just like their respect for Friesland!

in the 21st century that senario is completely outdated, the EU is the future, whether you like it or not.
retardation has no limits it seems...
Oh so dumb :D
luckily there's always someone dumber, ain't it like that beggy boy?
Inb4 new Hitler reigns somewhere
Dikke bal de Croo, lang genoeg laten aanslepen. Overduidelijk dat walen alleen iets te verliezen hebben.
this uniform vote doesn't solve anything, it only makes it worse
the ultimatum is a complete joke, if they want to bail, why not wait a week?

no, they want to look like "the big shots"
they waited for 3 years, if you keep moving your deadline there is no way you'll ever solve anything. Good thing someone had the guts to finally call it a day.
And it is a good thing, atleast they can vote for it in Flemisch parliament ..
excuse me, they had 3 years to bail and NOW they choose to do it. That means shit. If they wanted to stop, they could have stopped when van Rompuy became EU president, would have saved Dehaene the trouble. No, Open VLD stop now because they don't want to be in this government in the 1st place, look for an excuse to bail and find it in BHV. They want to steal the liberal votes of LDD. I have no problem with that, but bailing now is absolutely irresponsable.
who the fuck cares. u're still fucking rich
Kinda felt it coming, sad news though, seems like we just can't solve the problem

And the decision VLD made doesnt help anyone
it helps NVA
too bad helping NVA doesnt help the federal gouvernment in any way
Idd, it's a hard choice for the voter these days
I didnt even knew you guys had a government again..
Fuck, new elections.

België splitsen, NU! Vlaanderen onfahankelijk of bij Nederland, zelfde voor Wallonië met Frankrijk.

Ohja, en Brussel Vlaams!
90% of brussels is french so gtfo :D
That's because the french speaking Belgians are too lazy (or stupid) to learn Dutch.
what a shit comment !
i mean our mother tongue is french so we're more with walls than with dutchspeaking :)
u just wanna brussels cause it's the financial heart of belgium but brussels won't go with u :D
so yes gtfo
(and we're learning dutch)
Learning? In EVERY school in Flanders it's obligitory to learn French starting from the 4th year in lower school. In Wallonia it's an "option", and nobody takes it because you're all way too lazy.

Don't forget Brussels in inside Flanders, and when Belgium splits, the European Union will decide that Brussels is a part of Flanders. Bad luck for you guys ^^
i'm learning dutch since i'm 10...srsly i don't care if i'm with walls or with dutchg ;D and i think it's better to go with u :) more money for us :D
(at brussels u also have to learn dutch, it's not an option so blame walls)
That's what all Wallish people say, because it's the obvious choice. We have been very fair with you guys, but your politicians can't stop asking more and more. It's gotta stop somewhere.
YOU want more and more (independance,...) but walls want to keep u for zeh money :D
i can understand it but if in the future u've some probs (more and more old people in flander so u'll have a prob it's sure) you won't can come and cry among the Walloons :)
We don't want more and more, we already got it, we only want to protect what's rightfully ours. You want to steal territory.

And you're forgetting that Wales also grow old.
point for u :) it's intersting to speak with flemish to know what are ur arguments :)
and people who live in brussels want to be as Washington D.C. pretty impossible but we can dream :D
It's not the fault of the Wallish people, but only of the few hardliners among the politicians who want to use dossiers like BHV for electoral purposes. The constitution has to be followed, but they don't want to do that.
I don't think you want that. Brussels economy depends on more then 100 000 (?) high skilled talents from Flanders who travel every day to Brussels and go back to Flanders again. Because they live in Flanders they pay (income) taxes in Flanders and not in Brussels so explain me how you would finance public transport etc... ? There's 40% unemployment of people between 18-25 who all get benefits. Explain me how you gonna finance that.

To be fair, I kinda like the idea of a Washington district too.
belgium won't split so i wan't explain it :D u just want more independance :)
edit: if they pay tax in flander so if we split brussel and flander, there won't be any change and brusselaar will take the dutch job ;D so no more unemployement :DDDD
No. Tbh I don't care if Belgium stays or Flanders go independant or go with holland. All of it has its pro's & cons. The only thing I want is an effective & working government. The way it is now doesn't work. I rather have 1 federal goverment who can work effectively than the 7 government bullcrap we have now.
+1 :) and imo i prefer stay with flandre that go with walls or france :D
Walloons also grow old as he mentioned and on top of that, all the money is in Flandres anyway, so it would be pointless to cry at them anyway?
i didn't know that the walls population was growing old :) sorry.
it has nothing to do with growing old but with reproduction
Combination tbh. We get older and older and yes, we are just maintaining our population, not increasing it. Fair point.
lolled, we are not maintaining it, fuck off with brugpensioen and that other shit. cuz we can pay for it
yes, i was in Brussel some time ago. And i cant talk French... Even in stores they cant talk Dutch mostly. Its ridiculous. And dont get me started about English, it seems they can only talk French
wow at school the level is so high stfu nerd
Brussels is the political capital, not the financial...

Also, Brussels is situated in Flandres.

I honestly don't care that most speak French there, they'd still be surrounded by Flemish speaking :3. Besides, unless you want a situation like post-WW2 in Germany, I'd consider reconsidering if I were you.

Also, your reply failed.

Flemish is our mother tongue and technically we don't even need French in the slightest, yet we learn it.

You French dudes don't seem to understand that not everything can go your way. You seem to be unable to make any compromise whatsoever and I'm personally sick of them trying to sabotage any idea Flemish parties put fort simply because it isn't 100% what they want...

But no, I don't want Flandres to be independent and even less to join The Netherlands. Besides, only a minority wants Belgium separated. Not a majority.

I'm all for Belgium, but as long as they will remain as stubborn and ignorant as they are, then there will be a lot more shit than this.

There have been plenty of attempts from Flemish side to come to a compromise and none from the Walloon side.

I think it's CLEAR who is to blame for the problems.
edit: yep but plz it's a political game, let's them do it...stop hating frenchspeaking people :) i've no problem to speak dutch if i'm in flandre and a lot of people are like me. Only politics make shit, like asual :)
I'm not talking about Brussels really, more about the Walloons.

But tbh, most people of Brussels can't speak a word Flemish either so yeah :S
a lot of immigrate in brussels u know, they can speak both flemish and french :) but it's clear there are more walls/bruss who can't speak dutch that the contrary...blame the authority and the politics :D i sux in dutch but when i'm in flandre i speak (or try to speak) dutch.
Why exactly do they want the split in the first place?
I would figure the system works fine, or else it would've been changed why the change?
the system, as it is now, is illegal (yes, we had an illegal political system lol)
so..why did they decide to change it now? Something must have triggered their choice to do so..but lol @ it being illegal :D
As such, the Halle-Vilvoorde area is the only place in Belgium where candidates from another region can be voted for.

Since 2002, parliamentary constituencies have coincided with provincial boundaries in all provinces except Flemish Brabant, where the west of the province forms part of Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde, while the Leuven constituency covers the east of the province.

Legal action was taken to end this discrepancy.

The Constitutional Court gave politicians until 24 June 2007 to resolve the issue.

Any federal elections that would take place after this date would not be valid.
The Constitutional Court advised (and that advise is one of the highest legal authority) to change the election law. This means our "system" is not illegal, it just means that if elections without any legal modifications would be held right now, that would be a legal problem.

Of course, some people with some agendas like to use provoking language
Well seems like we're heading towards that illegal election
don't forget our king :)
I seriously don't give a fuck anymore. As long as Flanders gets more independance it's good.
Staat (ausgewählte) Staatlicher Schuldenstand im Verhältnis
zum nominalen BIP 2009 (2008)
Japan 185,3 % (172,1 %)
Italien 113,0 % (105,8 %)
Griechenland 103,4 % (97,6 %)
Belgien 95,7 % (89,6 %)

yep, belgium sucks :)
Biased statistics. There's more than just public debt you know to measure the financial health of a country :)
Fail post.

Unless you're also suggesting that Japan is poor?

Still fail then.

Perhaps you should first know what you actually post instead of copy pasting shit.
stop whining :) i know what im posting and i also know about the problem in belgium
If you knew what you posted then you knew you posted fail.

That either makes you a retard or a drunk.

wissel ons dan met limburg!
Belgian politics seems retarded.
we praten alleszinds duidelijker (behalve west-vlamingen, belgische limburgers, en brusselaars)....

ach fuck it we zijn even erg :(
Tom Boonen, Kim Clijsters!!!
I don't care about his Coke addiction.. He's an awesome rider! Kim Clijsters is awesome but I don't wanna lose Henin, Darcis and the Rochus brothers!!
yeah, cos Darcis and the Rochus brothers are really good...
hehe :) I just love to see them playing tennis
u can still do that when we are independent.
I meant in Daviscup and Belgian Masters :)
ow, dat is nu net géén moeilijke keuze!

frieten olé olé (we hebben trouwens ook goeie vlaaien hier!) dus das 2x win
I don't mind since I'm french and we roll.
wa voor e schijtland is da ier
tis toch

2de keer

waar zijn ze mee bezig jonge
tzijn die walen
en in het zuiden zeggen ze dat het de vlamingen zijn
omda ze der niks van afweten
en in het zuiden zeggen ze dat wij er nix van afweten

Ge zit met twee publieke opinies die als hongerige wolven klaar staan om iedereen verrader te noemen. Het is een politieke crisis, maar de media speelt een even belangrijke rol
der is 1 verschil: de walen willen BHV nie gesplits. voor hen is BHV een bonus. voor ons is het simpelweg toepassen van de grondwet, maar dat gaat nu eenmaal niet als de walen BHV willen gebruiken als een territoriaal expansie middel. ziekelijk.
Europees bestaat er een wet dat als een land uiteenvalt de taalgrens automatisch de landsgrens wordt, tenzij er een 'enclave' bestaat in één van de gebieden. BHV is zo'n element tegen een homogeen taalgrensgebied. De franstaligen zijn als de dood voor een vlaamse onafhankelijkheid met de huidige taalgrenzen (en dus Brussel in Vlaanderen). Die gevoeligheid moet je in acht nemen...

Neemt natuurlijk niet weg dat de franstalige de afgelopen 3 jaar onwaarschijnlijk onredelijk zijn geweest, er waren genoeg openingen als ze een oplossing wilden, daar ben ik mee akkoord.
Die vrees is ongegrond. Men doet net alsof de meerderheid van de Vlamingen België wilt splitsen terwijl het in feite maar een minderheid is.
dat is de hele tragedie
image: kt21211

Problem solved.
I concur, Belgium is merely a state of the Netherlands.

Should just take over the country, and the french speaking Belgians can fuck off to France =)
exactly! + think of the power we'd have with 2 of the world's biggest ports! would be great! :))
oh man, we could bully the world like the US does! we could finally be cool.....
yehhh! Ok lets invade belgium now gogogogo!
We will help you by setting our doors open. Don't be scared, it's not a trap, our army consists of 40 year old beerbellies with toy guns so you won't get much opposition!! :)
tbh would make us such a more powerfull country!
Than we have good Beer, chocolates, vlaamse frieten, more talented football players. Since there is enough talent there. And they get legal weed, a football team that can reach something at this moment. And ofcourse our woman are good improvement.
ik ga iig voor het bier en de frieten jajajaajhahaha
oh en wafels hmmmmmmm
groot gelijk, alleen dat stukje over de vrouwen is niet waar!
:P Nou ik ken ook wat belgen die er anders over denken ;) Maar dat zal denk ik ook aan het gebied liggen.
That they discuss it 1 time ok, 2 times ok but that BHV discussion is like going on for 5-6 years. Constantly pushing it down our throats, get sick of it every time I hear it. Couldn't care less anymore since 3/5 years and neither do most of the people (except the ones around brussels)

And I bet no one cares anymore that the government fell.
You sort of get used to it after a while :p
unexpected ^^
ja niet idd, nou ja dembele is ook goed. En met van buiten kun je ook wel wat!
van blunder :D
nou nou nou :D Vind em best aardig! bovendien mathijsen maakt bij ons ook voldoende blunders :P
Ik ken 4 betere Belgische verdedigers tbh
noem noem! Behalve vertonghen en vermaelen want die heb ik al! :P
van damme (underrated)

en ik vergeet er wrs nog wel eentje
oh ja lol was van damme vergeten :D Maar hijs goed idd
maakt niet zoveel uit het IQ blijft gelijk :_D
lukaku al es bekeken?
talentje ja, maar niet beter dan de nederlandse supersterren, maar hij kan nog groeien.
ze noemen hem de nieuwe Drogba ;)
Dat ze hem zo noemen zegt me niet zo veel, laat hem het eerst maar eens bewijzen in wat meer wedstrijden tegen betere tegenstanders :o)
denk iig niet dat hij op korte termijn beter is dan Robben, van Persie en Kuijt ;o)
Hamburg is toch wel een degelijke ploeg
degelijk is het juiste woord idd =) maar ook nie meer dan dat!
hij is zeker goed! maar moet nog veel leren :)
Lukaku vind ek wel niet passen in een systeem/team zoals holland, te weinig technische bagage (allez nu toch)
Kalmar Union took over Belgium, nothing more..
Bring back monarchy and kings, democracy doesn't work in Belgium
echt zielig
is dat die gozer van Everton?
ohlol wist nie dat het een belg was xDDDDD
Ja, Marrokaanse Belg, maar hij koos voor de Belgische nationale ploeg, zodus :)
Who needs government?
xD. Laten ze Leterme, die nog nooit 1 probleem heeft opgelost, het moeilijkste probleem van België oplossen.
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