Need a lot of help :D

For those of you that have bothered to check this journal again I will be shoutcasting the DreaM vs TAG match tonight as I said on last nights shoutcast! Thanks for your input and hopefully you'll bother tuning in tonight :) #cubecast

image: game18164
team potter
HB vs K.
team potter
dream - tag
dunno bout Kallisti oldsql perfomance but Highbot sucks so i'd rather watch dream vs tag which gonna be way more interesting

protip: decide by gbooky pot
I would decide by the pot size but I'm sure there will be more people that would simply bet on the match and then not bother watching it hence why i made the journal :D
team oxy
dream vs tag
dream vs tag
hb - kallsti
the one with more pot
dream vs. tag will be more hold points, due to form I guess

hb vs. kallisti will be a scrappy game I think, hb not in great form but ambitious as ever ;) and kallisti a new team so still going to miss some basic stuff. I would go for this game as the bigger spectacle ;)
team potter
dream vs tag for sure.
dream vs tag
potter and intact !
think HB was Kallisti is more interesting
what do u want to do with giving answers? count pro's and contra's and decide for the game which got most choices?
well im just wondering which game is going to be watched by the most people, EC because its EC or possibly the Kallisti game simply because of the lineups
then, u dont need to create a journal. just go gamestv and see, how much people spec which game.
im sure more people look at crossfire before they bother with gtv, i was going to judge by the pots in each game like sHEv suggested earlier on but loads of people will obviously bet money and then not bother watching the game so...
Love to see how those oldschool players suck now, so hb versus kallisti.
What are you trying to say with this?
They won't suck I'm pretty sure of that, the most likely thing will just be little mistakes that they make as a team / decisions they have to make during the game as an individual that will let them down ;)
So they will suck!
team lunatic,xperia and oxy
what h8m3 said
team potter so we can see (hear?) how this interesting mix performs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
None of them, nobody can understand you, Welsh homo >_>

You would be lovin it mate :D
nice, we posted on the same second

It's the first OC game for kallisti, there will be more to shoutcast which will probably better to watch after kallisti feels more comfortable and experienced with the lineup. For today I'd say TAG vs Dream is more interesting.
Decision making comment there! :D
Thx. Kallisti is shy, too. So we are happy. =D
haha, syl got his new pc yet?
Negative. Hopefully Tomorrow.
DreaM vs TAG
DreaM - TAG

hb will fail. after seeing atrox and kerim fail permanently on bio i cant believe they are going to win one map :x
swat vs d.
im not rusty
im just shit
still better than most
sorry for offtopic

dream vs tag
nice, but if you will forget 'bout shoutout for me tnite i will fuck you up you bloody fucking muggy cunt
we want potter, not nubs :(
is that english?
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