What's your plans for today?

So what's your plans for today? I'm still at school and I'm first free at 16.00. After that I'm off to an awesome party with my chemistry class!

So what's your plans for today?

image: fanboys
put a new radio in my car so I can listen to my ipod
thats gonna take 5 minutes

what you gonna do after?
study, visit some friends and go to early to bed cause I have tennis on 09:00 am tomorrow :s
im prolly going to destiny's house tomorrow
hangover cure after yesterday's party.
what is a hangover?
work and tonight pizzeria with friends
vrlo los quote. danas se ide na faks, malo se tamo zeza a onda se ide vani. sljedece sedmice holidays juhu!
i donno lol maybe play some stronhold extreme :) or et :d
trying some stuff with joomla/mamp and later on some campus party
gta samp
don't know yet. I need to think
work work :§
yes i haz hamachi : o
paly paly its extreme btw not basic :^
this is my sushi

image: kulen
playing The Lost and Damned
add me friend np :( xD
work till 17.00, futsall till 21.00, beer untill the morning.
dunno. play et maybe and trolling around?
anyway gotta go to school.. from 12:00 to 13:30 :P
Moving to new apartment and new town, back to my hometown actually - but this time i'm bringing my girl with me!
that looks really uneatable
I'm going to Bath for the weekend
You could use a bath idd.
grabbing lunch with my gf at some place, chill a bit.. going to the mac with a mate for dinner, and chill in the evening with some friends.
"going to the mac with a mate for dinner"

nice "dinner" you got there
thats why its friday?
we are going to play me2

I can feel the warning points pouring on your face for this 100% serious and offensive comment.
Tho I dont dare to mention Belgium krosan's name cus afraid
I am sure he would never do that! my comment was just trying to help poor guy in finding admin! good admins would never delete such kind comment. and K. surely is good admin and cool guy also!
Its a city in the uk :P
mayby fishing or school works :S
Silly you ;)
School now. Sleep later.
working 14-22 :(
working till 16.00, cleaning up my room then, eating.
in the evening im going to play guitar and watch tv, nothing much.
didnt go to school today, wouldve been a pretty boring day anyway, so yeah, slept til halb past 11, went out to buy some new football shoes, came home some minutes ago, going to eat some food soon and then perhaps will be playing football in the afternoon..

and tonight going to drink
dat is voor homo's man
im gonna get high aiiaa
Will be building a fucking wall soon.
Ye kind of like that!

Nah some small wall in my grandmothers garden actually. :P
Watched an emo 16 year old girl get harassed by a pedo in the bus today. At first I didnt do anything because i was interested to see if emo girls can handle themselves (they cant) then i stepped in, i sat opposite of the pedo and gave him a long hard icecold look which made him sit somewhere else.
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