help da jew

cleaned mah pc yesterday, put everything back together, tried to turn it on, it went on for like 10 seconds till that xp logo was about to appear and boooooooooom, it shut itself down.
and it keeps shuting down faster and faster every time i turn it on again till i let it rest for like 15 minutes or so, then again its about to get to that logo and shutdown again
Your windows is broken, try it in save mode or repair it :)
no, nothing to do with the windows, the pc just shuts down, for the 2nd and 3rd and so on tries to turn it on it shuts down faster and faster alot before the logo is even close to appear..
try to turn computer with safe mode
it doesn't go to that point when it asks what mode to turn it on with, it just shuts down :P
cooler not tight enough maybe, reset the bios using the jumper if that doesn't work.. don't wanna insult you by saying you couldn't put it back together but it'S prolly just some minor mistake :p
dont tell him to resest the bios what the fuck...

you could be right by the overheatin stuff, but there is no need to resest the bios then
thanks, you too ;)
you will come to the antwerpen lan in july? ;)
i dont know i dont game alot ;p i think not, but who knows;-p you?
will be there for sure :)
cool;) nice to know ;p
oh tim, you player! ;)
What "expert" tells someone that their windows in broken when he just took the pc apart to clean it? And what's the big deal of resetting he bios?
i know many ppl who produced a short-circuit while trying to reset the bios. Still dont know why they keep up those pins for this shit
no offence but they must be morons
no just common pc users, thats why i tell everyone to not fuck with the bios in any way. If you broke it, you need a new motherboard cuz every "rescue" system for the bios is not working anyway
tbh I think you made that story up, I still can't imagine people being too stupid to reset the bios using the battery or even jumper for that matter XD
its my business to work with pc's, i saw many things what the most cannot even imagin
well must be running good when you tell people that their windows is broken when the first logical thing is overheating :D And I'm a fucking noob, I want your JOB!!!

Did that really offend you :D?
no, its just rediculous if you see that fact that you told him to reset his bios for no reason :)
Actually told him to reset the Bios IF the CPU fan was on correctly because if that wouldn't have worked and everything else was plugged in correctly which I'm fairly certain he would have checked while he was looking at the the fan, or even beforehand the only other thing to do was to reset the Bios to maybe reconfigure the components. I find it quite arrogant of you assuming everyones as stupid as your customers that can't even reset a bios :D

I really don't want to offend your professionell competence but I'm just a sarcastic bastard and I know it will so let's leave it at that shall we :D?
well, i think i know what is the "mistake".. this CPU cooler, it misses 2 pins in the back that should go into the motherboard, so its kinda like hanging there, tho i managed to build something that holds it in place and its kinda good, but when i did that i touched all that silver stuff that makes the connection between the cpu and the motherboard and a friend of mine thinks that is the proble, but i dunno since the pc does turn on for a while
ye it's overheating and shutting itself off to protect the cpu, if the pins are broken you'll need a new cooler else just plug em back in.
ITS SATURDAY :'((( but listen i managed to build something with some wires and stuff and it holds it pretty good and tight.. I guess I'm just missing some of this silver crap ;[
go to a shop and get some new thermal grease. It costs like 3€ here so wouldnt be that expensive in israel aswell and every common pc shop got it :)
ITS SATURDAY + back to army tomorrow

but I think I already fried that motherboard up :P look
just make sure the temps are somewhat ok ^^
haven't tried turning it on since last night, will try now, should be quite cold :P im planning on buying a new MB & CPU anyway so better mess with this one for a while ;p just hope my GFX and memory cards won't get damaged :{


not working ;p
image: 4sh0g0

How's this? mind the price its ALOT cheaper now, made it like 5 months ago, found the pic here at my bro's PC ;p
quite shit :o enough for _most_ games on med-low depends on reso
I only have like 550 in cash and 1000 more with my credit card, army pays me 514 a month, should get higher soon with K.TASH :p
then just save cash if you really want to have some bad ass pc for a few years (~5)
if your gonna get a new mobo and cpu go for i7 but I guess that'll do if you oc it to 3-4 ghz ^^
the fuck is this shite maneee

Ahh I know what's the problem, your start button is at the right side of the screen. Flip the display vertically and it should all be normal after that.
thats on my bro's pc he got Hebrew vista, hate it, I use English version :P
tasim meavrer ragil : D
wait for like 2 weeks and then it will be on for like 2 hours maybe and will shut off then repeat the proces ofc
np, im at army, just using the pc at weekends :P rest of the week im at base
see problem solved :D man what would the world be without me
help him so i could come to his home :"(
n3rd party????
itkasharti elav atmol sheani avo elav ayom

ayom ani mitkasher veo aomer li amahshev shelo shabur

face the truth sergeant

all lies anyway :~>

Why should anyone help a jew?
its better than the alternative
itkalahti kvar ba :~>
you didnt plug everything in properly!
Reinstall windows, fixes most of the problems :P

I had a weird harddisk problem in january, i left my computer open for a day and when i came back to computer, it crashed. It did the similar thing yours is doing right now, starting to windows logo and after that it only gives option: Restart. XP deleted some file from my computer and it stopped working and i even had to change my HD :*
NOT the same, it doesnt show the logo, it shuts down sooner ;p
moving AC2.iso to psp :~>
We need a engineer!
i always just vacuumclean my pc works great for me :D
Rofl FFUUU my pc just died..... The fuck I was watching legion and booom it shut down and won't turn on
fuck u -.-
then just save cash if you really want to have some bad ass pc for a few years (~5)
Maybe your power supply is old and shitty. Try to remove your grapic card if your motherboard has "integrated chipset". Otherwise try to remove ram if you have 2xX giga (or mega :D).

If your computer keeps on, change your power supply :D

BTW give me the model of your power supply.
i had the same half year ago and i had to change my power supply..
remove RAM and put it back again u might have changed the slots while cleaning( if u have more than 1) .. had the same problem .. i tried this and it worked :d
i have 3 but i didnt took them out when i cleaned the pc, only took the cpu cooler and the gfx card out, both are plugged in currectly, nothing wrong with them, i even changed some parts from another pc, the supply power and the cpu cooler, still having the same problem.
ah ok , well i had exactly the same problem , but i had cleaned RAM(in addition to cpu ,etc ) too so i just started to remove all what i cleaned and put them back again , and it worked after 1 day or something ..:/ i think that's a cpu problem , try also to reinstall windows , maybe it'll work ! change RAM slots , clean them and the cpu also and don't abuse of crashing , u'll be forced to reinstall windows ..
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