Pendulum night

With the new tracks not being super-great I didn't know what to expect from the DJ Set...but it went great! 4,5 hours of greats beats by Pendulum + support! With some great new tracks (+remixes) and some oldschool ones (and again great mixes: like the 10 minute version of Voodoo People). All in all the mixed feelings where gone, once they started playing and I really enjoyed it!

What have you been up to last night?

P.S. Shoutout Eirik :D
Pendulum @ pkp ftw
they were amazing 2 years ago : ))))))
kga dit jaar voor de eerste keer :D

ma ik denk toch da ik donderdag en vrijdag ga gaan, zaterdag vindk wa waist, 70 euro voor pendulum en boys noize alleen want de rest suckt :p
zaterdag high contrast?

en 2 dagtickets kost meer dan 1 combi en camping is gwn geweldig daar dus kunt ze allemaal doen
voor hoeveel dage telt ne combi? alle?
jep 3 dagen (zelfs 4, want ik ga de woensdag (dag voor t begint) mijn tent al zetten en dan is er in de boiler room ook al een fuifke voor de camping mensen)
nice :O

campere ga'k nu ni doen denk ik ma dan komk wel alle dage :p
camping is een vn de leukste dingen :)
Been drinking beer and rolling noobs @bc2. Oh and was stuck at the trainstation because the trains failed once again...
was on the ex Genesis vocalist concert in my city, then in a bar with friends, then to da house.
sound like you'd have to google his real name XD
blood sugar ftw
DJ sets: yes
Live: hell no : <

what kind of remixes ? :D

oh & i drank a lot of beer at m8's house
Live remixes I guess... :D
you said it was a dj-set, so no live remix .. ;p just curious what new tunes by what kind of artists pendulum have remixed lately
DJ Set = Pendulum DJ (El Hornet) + Pendulum MC (Ben Mount)
By remixes I meant they played their new tracks and remixed some of them live.
I'm not an expert on this so maybe DJ SET = no live remixes, but it seemed to me he did some remix/sound manipulation...
well those thins could also just be in the tracks ^^ remix for me means remixing already existing tracks by other artists or existing tracks of your own^^ but nvm 'sall good :P
ga mee rockanje live vanavond, t-spoon!
nee man k ga verjaardags feestje van iemand in hellevoet in pand hier ^^ dj's en alles : D veel plezier in rockanje!
My night was great. With the new tracks not being super-great I didn't know what to expect from the DJ Set...but it went great! 4,5 hours of greats beats by Pendulum + support! With some great new tracks (+remixes) and some oldschool ones (and again great mixes: like the 10 minute version of Voodoo People). All in all the mixed feelings where gone, once they started playing and I really enjoyed it!
AHAHHHAH! you just copied what he wrote in the journal and made it your comment : DDD
no shit, sherlock has revived!!!
what are you talking about
pendulum can suck off my balls
smoked weed, and made a new cat friend
Been there, on voodoo people people just went mad
Tarantula was crazy too
trick :D
underworld live back in the days in 1999 > all

awesome how they handled all the synth stuff with live patchin cables to do submixes and stuff.

hell yeah
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