hard level (nice game)

that is a pretty nice level guys. Levels before were just a warm up in comparison to this :>

did u get the ball out of the man?

ok, i gonna give a try now!

here the pic of what i mean:
image: neubitmaph.th

so, the man is lying down, now i have to push him a little bit to the right side and after to get the ball out, here the pic:

image: neubitmap2.th

ok, i got the ball out of this monster :> without even pushing it to the side. Now i only need to move the ball to the right side and the round is done ;)

image: neubitmap3.th

ok guys, im in the final :) Here the "hot girl" pic:
image: neubitmap4x.th

hahhaha guys, i owned that pussy girl after some nice tryings using light weights! :D
it just flew away, ähähä. Here is the pic with no girl:

image: neubitmap5.th

Ok, the girl is owned, and the game is finished with 81 stars. GG :>

for those who dont know the name of this original unique game: crayon physics deluxe
you can always cheat in those games
by abusing the physics
lol? the game is constructed to use the physics
You can just spam making blocks so the ball will eventually get to his destination :/
u mean put things under the ball all the time?
Yes, or putting the ball in a box and throw it all over the place
i dont know if u can throw the ball by putting it into the box. But in some levels it is just required to use the box and after that pull it
ok i now know what u mean with abusing the physics. But anyway try to win without using this shit.
Done that a year ago.
ya, got boring when i found it out
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