Pregnant lady

I just came home from the clubs and I feel like a pregnant lady after eating 0.5meter kebab and 3 pizza slices, long live the drunk stomach. Need some digestion pills!!1!

Hows ur night been?
dunno, went driving with friends with 5euro in pocket, bought cigs and beer, after that got for free in club(didnt expect that they were going D:), got drunk as hell (for free, luckily friends had shit with them lol) it was shit in the club cuz there was only like 30 people ;d, after drove 15km from city to see some views and got home just now.

You bought cigarettes and alcohol for your 5 euros, went to a club, without paying an entrance, which served you free drinks... then went side-seeing with your friends and then went home to post that story on xfire

entrance fee was free cuz we have friends in club, free drinks were from friends, yes i had 5 euros cuz i didnt expect that things will turn out this way xD

and yes im sitting here drunk , drinking nestea preparing to sleep and writing this story.

don't you fuck with estonian jew, sAs.
Oh I''ll fuck with you, you jewbag!!
you bought cigarettes AND beer for 5 euro? In Germany one pack of cigarettes cost like 4,50 EUR so wtf? WELCOME TO AFRICA
in balkan its like 1 euro for a pack with 20 cigs i always buy a pack with 10 in it and sell it here for 4 euro great side-money almost no effort at all :D
Maybe he didn't buy a family-pack.
Camel Blue in Estonia Estonia - 40 krones ~ 2,2 EUR

Beer 2L - 25 krones ~ 1,3 EUR or smth like that D: cba to count

some chips 1 eur etc, so yeah.
been playing computer

i need to buy DA Teflon feet!
he needs to buy new deathadder gliders
everyone in europe thinks he doesnt
Ull still suck!
Damn I'm on fire lately
i could make a pretty harsh jew joke, but i won't, because i love you pala :D
i can take it :o
i don't play with glides bitch! gtg to work... its 5 in the fuckin morning. see you at 12/12:30 champ
got home about half an hour ago, total lack of food over here :(
pintjes gaan pakke? :P x
feestje georganiseerd door paar vrienden. Pintjes were had
fight with some "foreigners", they lost
im twelve and were they aswell?
kicked somebodys motherfucking ass -.-
i was alone with 0€ in the pocket and got 2 guest lists and went out.. but it wasnt what i expected from Satoshie Tomiie...
Went to some metalheadplace, the music was so loud I was getting deaf when I was standing outside the doors. The band was crap aswell, some celticmetal stuff. Nothing inspiring.

My (drunk) mate pushed a car that wasn't on the handbreak, from the lot it was parked on, to the other side of the road. (Gl searching that one back.)

Other one flirted with some ugly chicks, so we took him in protection before he was gonna do things he will regret the rest of his life. Anyways, pretty fucked up. The drunk buddy was so wasted we had to drive him home at 4 AM in the night. My other mate and me were home at 6 AM.
First, were camping at my city outskirts, drunk a lot of beer and ate some, then I met my best friend walking to tha house (coincidence?) and in 15 seconds my bro arrived (coincidence?? :DD), and finally we entered the 18 party of mine friend. I'm stoned now (omg!) and I cant eat : < fucking classic.
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