Looking for moviemaker...

Hiho CF community,

I decided to commemorate time I spend with ET with a 'little' movie (4-5 min perhaps). Since I realised that Im too lazy to make one, I want to ask someone for help with that project. I did not chose any of demos yet, but Ill do it in week or so.

For more info just pm me here or find me at #suffering.et @ QuakeNet.

random movie :-)
I saw the video like 2 days ago ahah =D

dad > ostrich > boy
There are 2 reason why people like to make fragmovies about themself:
1) Want to show the community how awesome they are. - in this case i think you have to be on higher level.
2) Want to save their frags to the future as a memory etc. - in this case you should make your own movie.
maybe he wants "domination" movie :D

fun mod :D
Lold, that was fun for 3 hours, but still it was worth it :-)
1) People who know me, know that I'm awesome, so I don't care about others.
2) I prefer someone who knows something about moviemaking, and he wants to practice or just do it for pleasure.
hahah random movie XDDDDDDDDD
back from club
good luck
ask cymky?
He has problems with finishing a movie...
low+ max :< gl ;)
No chyba twoj stary.
nie bo twoj !
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