webpage (designer/coder needed)

Hi folks,

I'm in need of a designer/coder that could create a webpage for a friend of mine.
She asked me to do it, but unfortunately I'm not experienced in doing webpages for companies.

image: biochpmg3q5sdjvrs

That's the design of her business cards, the page should have the same style.
She doesn't expect the page to be perfect, it has to be quite simple to use + be professional. Of course you'll get paid for your work, she wants to invest 100-150 euro's.

If you're interested and motivated enough to start and finish that project, just leave me a pm at crossfire (a preview of a project you've done would be great!)

Cheers! :-)
I wouldn't try here tbh. Try one of the coding sites where you can get quotes from different pro's. It isn't that difficult and you will get some nice designs for the moneys.

You're more likely to get trolled here, than anything else.

*only design
people acting like html/css is so hard to understand need a mind check.

I can make a basic site for you in html with a css stylesheet and even some flashanimations if needed.
My knowledge consists of basic html with css and basic actionscript 2.0 for flash(will be 3.0 next semester), currently learning php next to that.

But to be honest I got most of this stuff from w3schools.com so better check that, easy as pie to make a bit of a decent html site using their tutorials.
Try to find a tutorial about slicing in photoshop and you are ready for business.

Next to this DO NOT use tables in html, use divisions. Only noobs still use tables. xP

I might be able to give you some tips but I am too busy with my own shit to be accepting a dodgy assignment from a site like this.

gl, you will need it.
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