Polling Rate Issue

*Considering ET players are the ultimate placebo freak I thought posting this here would be perfect :D <3*

Quick question,

I'm playing with the latest Deathadder 3500,
on XP with the latest drivers and firmware installed and without any additional mouse fix or anything of that sort.

When using this Mouse movement recorder on my desktop it clearly shows that I have no acceleration which is great (acceleration or deceleration is shown via green and red bars which you will see in the second screenshot). I play at 900 dpi with 500hz and it clearly shows to be at that value when I'm controlling the mouse on the desktop.


The problem is that for what ever reason ( I don't know... ) the polling rate is changing when I load up the game and follow the same procedure.


Im guessing the red and green bars are caused by the fluctuating polling rate, but correct me if I'm wrong. I have LAN in 3 days and I would very much like this issue to be resolved before I face Stevy who clearly has consistent 500 :(:(:((:((:(


Help would be awesome, Thanks
To be honest i have no idea, i could never get 1000hz with every try in this so just changed to 500hz and it never skips below it, the easiest option would be renting me for 2 bottles of vodka, and i could fuck Belgium Stevy up, thanks! nah but srsly someone might help ya when more ppl get up!
no idea, try rinput
what lan is that btw?
ask urtier :p
Since I never had any problems with my 30 years old Microsoft mouse to reach a stable 500hz, I never looked into other's problems with super new hightech generation deluxe pro evo glowing megha 9000 dpi mice.

So nope, I can't help :-)

I'm pretty sure h8m3 or abort could solve this problem and I'm just taking the guess that the mouseinput ingame fucks it up. Maybe raw input (which I'm not using) could solve it :-d
i have the same with the 1800dpi deathadder.
Before opening W:ET there is pretty much no green/red bars and a constant 500hz, but when I open the game and move my mouse around it starts going to from 250 to 1000hz.
Tbh if you can't notice it without a program it's most likely not a problem.

I can always tell when my hz isn't at 500 as when I turn slowly sometimes it feels like I have 10fps and my crosshair jitters.
Fucking nerd. xo
waiting for h8m3 to save the day
he'll tell him to use rinput -_-;
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